Breeding Guide

15 min read

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About the Breeding Changes

Since we are adding more and more Evoloon races, sub-species and variations, we need a new set of breeding rules that will allow more freedom and possibilities, with some restrictions to assure that the approval process will still be manageable. An offspring of breeding will be able to get a set amount of traits from its direct parents. Except for a few exceptions, it's up to you to choose your Evoloon's offspring traits. The old breeding rules are no longer in use.


Normal: Evoloon created using the usual creation rules, without any special race trait.
Special race: A different kind of Evoloon with special traits. Example: Chocolate, Rainbow, Ancient, etc.
Gen 1: Evoloon that is made without the use of breeding.
Gen 2: Evoloon that is made as the result of a breeding.
Mutt: Evoloon that is made as the result of breeding different races of Evoloons (Example: Safari X Rainbow).
Trait: A feature on an Evoloon that can be passed down to offspring when breeding.
Free Trait: A trait that do not count in the maximum amount of traits you can pass down.
Pattern: A special type of markings some races have, like the Safari Tiger stripes.

Evoloon Creation and Approval
Evoloon Races and Variations
Evoloon Features and Modifiers

How to Breed Evoloons

Evoloon don't have genitalia; they breed with the power of their magic. The magic of two Evoloons, mixed together, can produce an egg. Evoloons don't have to be in a romantic relationship to breed. They don't have to be of different genders either since their gender is a personality trait, not a physical attribute.

1. Get a Breeding Licence 

In order to breed, an Evoloon must have a breeding licence. You can also have an account wide breeding licence. The details on how to get a breeding licence can be found here.

2. Picking the Parents

In order to breed Evoloons, you need two of them and at least one must be yours. If the second Evoloon belongs to a friend, you need to get their permission to breed first. Both Evoloons must have a Breeding License.

3. Designing the Offspring

Once you've picked the parents, you can design the offspring. Normal parents can only have normal offspring; you need at least one special race parent to get a Gen 2 offspring and 2 special race parents to get a mutt. Special races can also have normal offspring.
2.a Designing a Normal Offspring
If you want a normal offspring, you design your normal Evoloons using the creation rules (Evoloon Creation and Approval).
2.b Designing a Gen 2 or a mutt offspring
You must chose a maximum of 3 traits (from the list further on this page) to pass down to the offspring. The traits must be chosen from those the parent(s) already have, meaning these traits must be on their official approval sheet. Breeding Example: Rainbow x Chocolate.

If both parents belong to you, you can pick traits from both of the parents.
If one of the parents belongs to someone else, but both parents are heartbonded with each other, you can pick traits from both of the parents.
If one of the parents belongs to someone else, and the parents are not heartbonded with each other, you can only chose traits from then parent who belongs to you.

Parents can only pass down their own trait shape, placement and coloring.

  • A Red Rainbow cannot pass down blue coloring.
  • A Safari Tiger cannot pass down Giraffe spots.
  • A Brow Chocolate cannot pass down Ruby coloring.
You can mix patterns from both parents, but they cannot overlap each otherBreeding Guide: Pattern Mixing.

Like usual, the offspring can have a maximum of 3 base colors, and they can be picked from only one of the parents. Breeding Guide: Colors. All other normal Evoloon creation rules applies (Evoloon Creation and Approval).

:pointr: Upgrades, superpowers, advantages and special anatomic features (like Ancients and Genoloons) cannot be passed down as traits. 

:new: Remember: The bonus upgrade received from a Genoloon cannot appear on the approval sheet. 

4. Having your Offspring Approved

  • Please check the Evoloon Creation and Approval journal to know how many Evoloons you can submit. You can have multiple Evoloons on one sheet, but if you have normal offspring and Gen 2 or mutt offspring, they should be on separate sheets since they don't go in the same folder.

  • In the description of the approval sheet:
    • Link the approval sheet of both parents (the official DA version submitted in the group).
    • Write down the traits you chose for your bred evoloon, if any (doesn't apply for normal offspring). You need to mention the trait and the race it comes from, similar to our examples.
    • :new: If your offspring has the "Unlimited Body Colors" upgrade or the "Color on White Areas" upgrade at birth because one of their parents completed the "Year of Colours" trial, you need to mention the trial, as it is not a trait, and you need to provide the proof of its completion (in a tracker). 
    • Link the Breeding License of both Evoloons and/or artists.

  • If one of the parent belongs to someone else, they must comment on your sheet to confirm they gave you permission to use their Evoloon for breeding.

  • Submit your offspring in the appropriate folder:
Example of how to list your traits (Safari x Chocolate):
  • Base Colors (free) from Chocolate
  • Fawn Spots from Chocolate
  • Oozing Markings from Chocolate
  • Patterns from Giraffe Safari


:pointr: A free trait is a trait that do not count in the maximum amount of traits you can pass down.


:pointr: Ancient body features cannot be passed down.

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 natural common mammal colors of the same hue. Must be the same hue as the parent.


:pointr: Blessed upgrade cannot be passed down.

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 natural common mammal colors of the same hue. Must be the same hue as the parent.


Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 chocolate colors from the mandatory chocolate swatch. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Eye Coloring
 (Free Trait)
White iris, chocolate sclera, half chocolate, half marking color pupil.
:pointr: You have to mention this trait only if you use white for the sclera, which is allowed only for Chocolate Evoloons.

Fawn Spots
Fawn spots can be anywhere on the body and can be speckles.

Oozing Markings
Markings are oozing magic goo.


:pointr: Cursed upgrade(s) cannot be passed down.

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 natural common mammal colors of the same hue. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Elemental - Barkloon

:pointr: The plant growths of the Barkloon cannot be passed down as it is a superpower.

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 natural browns or warm-tones of the same hue. Such as brown, beige, or cream. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Skin Texture
Wood grain/bark patterns. Like the skin is made of wood.

Elemental - Gemloon

:pointr: The gem growths of the Gemloon cannot be passed down as it is a superpower.

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 grey tones. Natural grey-pigmented colours are still allowed, such as a grey-brown (of the same hue). Must be the same hue as the parent.

Skin Texture
Stone crack patterns. Like the skin is made of stone.

Elemental - Iceloon

:pointr: The ice growths of the Iceloon cannot be passed down as it is a superpower.

Base Colors
Up to 3 medium tones of blues, greys or whites of the same hue. Must be the same hue as the parent.
If you pass down greys or whites, it's a free trait. If you pass down blues, then it counts as 1 trait out of 3.

Skin Texture
Ice shine. Like the skin is made of ice.

Elemental - Lavaloon

:pointr: The lava indents and rock growths of the Lavaloon cannot be passed down as it is a superpower.

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 dark tones of greys, browns, or reds of the same hue. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Skin Texture
Stone/pebble patterns. Like the skin has stones embedded in/on it.

Elemental - Windloon

:pointr: The clouds of the Windloon cannot be passed down as it is a superpower.

Base Colors
Up to 3 medium tones of light blues, light greys or whites of the same hue. Must be the same hue as the parent.
If you pass down greys or whites, it's a free trait. If you pass down blues, then it counts as 1 trait out of 3.

Skin Texture
Transparency. Please see the Elemental Guide for the transparency rules.


:pointr: Gargoyle Evoloons cannot pass down their ear and mouth anatomy.

Base Colors (Free Trait)
1 natural common mammal color. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Eye Anatomy
No iris, slit pupil (horizontal or vertical), 2 distinct colors (any)

Fawn Spots
Fawn spots are spirals of any shape (round, square, triangular, swirly, etc).

Special attributes (Free Trait)
Inner ears, eyebrows, eye bags, nose, thumbs and fawn spots can be a darker or lighter shade (same hue) of the body color of the offspring. If the offspring has normal evoloon eyes, it also applies to the iris.


:pointr: Genoloon upgrade cannot be passed down.

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 natural common mammal colors of the same hue. Must be the same hue as the parent, if they have normal colors. If not, choose natural colors to pass down.


Melanoid Evoloons are a variation of any race of Evoloons. They can only pass down their racial traits. They cannot pass down the Melanoid black parts.


Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 natural common mammal colors of the same hue. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Paradise - Blue

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 pure grey scale colors.

Secondary Colors
Blue head and fawn spots (any shade of blue), and a white face. Head and fawn spots must be of the exact same color. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Special attributes (Free Trait)
Black nose and eye bags.

Wide black stripe cheek marking.

Paradise - Red

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 pure grey scale colors.

Secondary Colors
Red head and fawn spots (any shade of red), and a white face. Head and fawn spots must be of the exact same color. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Special attributes (Free Trait)
Black inner-ears, eyebrows, nose, eye bags and thumbs.

Black stripes cheek marking.

Paradise - Yellow

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 3 pure grey scale colors.

Secondary Colors
Yellow head and fawn spots (any shade of yellow). Head and fawn spots must be of the exact same color. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Special attributes (Free Trait)
Nose must be the same color as one of the offspring's base colors.

Orange or red circle cheek marking.


Base Colors
Up to 3 unnatural rainbow colors of the same hue. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Rainforest - Banded Banana Frogloon

Base Colors (Free Trait)
2 natural brown, beiges of cream tone. 1 color for the body, the other for the legs. Must be the same hue as the parent.

A unique stripe creating a mask on the face, and continuing on face, neck and body until it reached the thigh. Can run down the thigh or not, but not the leg.
The color must be one of the 3 base colors of the offspring.

Gradient Coloring
Gradient transition between base colors.

Rainforest - Blue Jeans Frogloon

Base Colors
1 shade of red. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Secondary Colors
Blue legs. 1 shade of blue. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Gradient Coloring
Gradient transition between base colors.

Rainforest - Dying Dart Frogloon

Base Colors
White and 1 shade of blue. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Big black spots.

Gradient Coloring
Gradient transition between base colors.

Rainforest - Green Poison Dart Frogloon

Base Colors
Up to 2 green of the same hue, 1 for the body, 1 for the toes. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Big black stripes.

Gradient Coloring
Gradient transition between base colors.

Rainforest - Tree Frogloon

Base Colors
1 shade of green. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Secondary Colors
Orange or red toes. 1 shade of orange or red. Must be the same hue as the parent.

Gradient Coloring
Gradient transition between base colors.

Safari - Giraffe

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 2 colors from the giraffe swatch.

Giraffe spots. Must be one of the offspring's base colors (of the same hue).

Safari - Leopard

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 2 colors from the leopard swatch.

Leopard spots. Must be one or two of the offspring's base colors (of the same hue). All spots must be the same colors (see the safari leopard reference).

Safari - Tiger

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 2 colors from the tiger swatch.

Tiger stripes. Must be one of the offspring's base colors (of the same hue).

Safari - Zebra

Base Colors (Free Trait)
Up to 2 colors from the zebra swatch.

Zebra stripes. Must be one of the offspring's base colors (of the same hue).


Base Colors
Up to 3 colors from the Scaleloon swatch (must follow the Scaleloon coloring rules).

Scales. Must be a darker/lighter shade of one of the base colors of the offspring (excluding greyscale, unless it's one of the offspring colors), OR the same color as the white areas.

Color Switching Traits

Pattern Color Switching Trait

  • The color of the patterns taken from one parent can be changed for one of the base colors or secondary colors of the second parent.
  • Mixed patterns from both parents can be changed by one of the base colors or secondary colors of any parent.
  • Changing the color of the patterns counts as 1 trait out of your maximum of 3.


Breeding Guide: Pattern Color Switching Trait by Evoloonbot

Secondary Color Switching Trait

  • A secondary color trait taken from one parent an be changed for one of the base colors or secondary colors of the second parent.
  • All the parts having the same secondary color must be changed. Example: if you change the color of the paradise head, you have to change the fawn spots too. 
  • Changing one secondary color counts as 1 trait out of your maximum of 3.


Breeding Guide: Secondary Color Switching Trait by Evoloonbot

Skin Texture Color Switching Trait

  • skin texture trait taken from one parent an be changed for one of the base colors or secondary colors of the second parent.
  • Changing one skin texture color counts as 1 trait out of your maximum of 3.


Breeding Guide: Skin Texture Color Switching Trait by Evoloonbot


Breeding Examples and Guides Folder


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Blaubene's avatar

(Just a small comment)

There's a typo under "Safari - Tiger" -

Under "Patterns", it's listed as "Tiger stipes" instead of "Tiger stripes".