Blessed Evoloons are normal Evoloons who are born with an upgrade taken from the list at the end of this journal. They evolve like any other Evoloon.
To make an Blessed Evoloon, you need a Blessed Egg from an event, from another member (trade or gift) or from a Garan For Hire Ticket.
Anatomy and Creation Rules
- Blessed Evoloons are normal Evoloons born with an upgrade;
- Only normal Evoloons can be Blessed;
- The upgrade a Blessed Evoloon is born can be any color;
- The upgrade must be chosen from the list at the end of this journal;
- The mandatory white parts must be present and visible and cannot be hidden or obscured by the upgrade;
- Mandatory white parts, like the fawn spots, must be placed on/over the upgrade (example: fawn spots on a turtle shell) if applicable;
- Markings can go on the upgrade;
- All the other creation rules still apply;
- You must link the treasury approval comment in the description of the approval sheet (egg hatching or ticket redeeming). If you got your egg from an event before the summer event 2017, then you don't need a treasury approval, but you need to link the event art in the description of your approval sheet instead.
Bonuses and Advantages
Every time a Blessed Evoloon earns participation, so do ALL of your other Evoloons.If your Evoloon is heartbonded to a Blessed Evoloon, they get the Blessed Evoloon advantage, meaning each time they earn participation, so do ALL your other Evoloons.
Blessed Evoloons can only pass down their original colors. They cannot pass down their upgrade or their bonuses. See the Breeding Guide for more details.
Trading a Blessed Evoloon
If you trade your Blessed Evoloon, your Evoloons cannot use the Blessed advantage anymore, but they won't lose the participation already gained from this bonus.The Blessed Evoloon will be heart-broken and won't be able to get new upgrades until the new owner mend their heart. The new owner will be able to use the Blessed Evoloon bonus even if the Evoloon's heart is broken. You can find the general trading rules in the Trading Rules journal.
Breaking Up With a Heartbonded Blessed Evoloon
When a heartbond is broken, both Evoloons have their heart broken, meaning they cannot gain new upgrades until they have their heart healed. The Blessed Evoloon advantage will still be active for all Evoloons belonging to the Blessed Evoloon's owner.If your Evoloon is not a Blessed Evoloon, and their heartbonded partner is a Blessed Evoloon but belongs to a friend, your Evoloon will lose the Blessed advantage, but you won't lose the participation already gained from this bonus.
To design your Blessed Evoloon, you can use one of the official Evoloon bases of the normal Evoloon and modify it to add the chosen upgrade. You have to credit the base to Evoloons in the description of your approval sheet.
Race Creation History
Blessed Evoloons have been introduced in the 2017 summer event and could be earned by doing the optional part 3, as a gift from Garan.2017 Summer Event : Journey to New Land
2017 Summer Event: Part 1
2017 Summer Event: Part 2
2017 Summer Event: Part 3
2017 Summer Events: Optional parts
2017 Summer Event -- Post-Event Rewards
Blessed Evoloon Upgrade List
These are the upgrades a blessed Evoloon can be born with. You can choose only one.Basic
EarsChange your evoloon's ears to be any shape you want. pointed, floppy, finned, etc.
BlowholeThis can be placed on top of the head or anywhere along the spine
Crustacean tail
A tail resembling the tail of any real-life crustacean (lobster, shrimp, copepod, etc)
Dorsal Fin
A single fin for your evoloon's back
Fish Tail
The fish tail can resemble any real-life fish or aquatic mammal tail (goldfish, dolphin, manatee, etc.)
Like what's found on a frilled lizard or spinosaurus
Gills to help your evoloon breathe underwater. these can go on the cheeks, neck, or rib cage.
Peg Leg
Give your evoloon hard pointed legs instead of feet. This can be used just on the feet or you can make the entire leg jointed like on a crab or lobster.
Plate Head
Just like a Kappa!! The plate can have any colors or pattern on it
Turtle Shell
The evoloon can tuck inside of the shell or even climb out of it if desired
Webbed Toes
A thin webbing between your evoloon's toes to help them swim
Feather TailTail can resemble any real-life bird or a feathered dinosaur
Feathered wings
These wings are for your evoloon's back
Flight Membrane
A thin flap of skin used for gliding (like a flying squirrel, colugo, anomalure, etc.)
Wattles/Head Crest
Can resemble any kind of growth found on a bird's head/neck (excluding airsacs)
Wing Arms
Turn your evoloon's arms into wings. can be any type of wings
All Seeing EyesUnlimited eyes all over the evoloon's body. Eyes must match.
Fantasy Antlers
Fantasy antlers can be any size, shape, or color.
Fantasy Tail
Any tail that does not resemble a real-life creature's tail
One (or multiple) Halo(s) on or above your evoloon. Can be fantasy shaped or ring shaped. Any color allowed.
Natural Antlers
Natural antlers must resemble the shape and size of any real-life animal's antlers. They can be any color
Several Tails
Can be any type of real life animal tail. If you wish to use other tails multiple times you need to unlock them first.
Glittery sparkles all over the evoloon's body
Third Eye
A third eye that can be placed anywhere. Eyes must match
Coin/Currency GrowthReal coins/currency token that grow on your evoloon like apples grow on trees.
This upgrade is for aesthetics only. Having this upgrade will not give you spendable ribbons!
If you want to use ribbons, this is what a ribbon looks like -> Ribbon
Coin Slot
A working coin slot on your evoloons body. What happens when you insert a coin?!?
Display Face
A partial plate helmet serving as a display looking a bit like a Daft Punk helmet or 3D Hololens
This upgrade only covers the top part of the head, it does not cover the muzzle.
L.E.D. Lights anywhere on the body!
Metal Antenna
A metal antenna can be placed anywhere
Metal Claws
Can be any shape or size
Metal Spine
A protruding metal spine (can extend through the tail if your evoloon has one)
Speakers with real working sound. Perfect for evoloons who like to be heard
Fantasy hornsFantasy horns can be any shape, size, or color
Holes / Craters
Clean holes that pass through your evoloon's body, or just craters
Multiple arms
Extra arms and legs, there is no limit
Multiple heads
Heads sprouting from between the shoulders. there is no limit
Mutated animal heads
Real life animal heads sprouting from anywhere on your evoloon's body
Natural horns
Natural horns must resemble the shape and size of any real-life animal's horns. Can be any color
Permanent stitches or 'sewn-on' patches anywhere on your evoloon's body
Patches and Stitches Example
Reptilian Tail
Can resemble any real-life amphibian or reptile tail
Snail Stalk Eyes
Stretchy and retractable eyes, just like a snail's.
Snail Stalk Eyes Example
Sting Tail
Can resemble any insect tail with a stinger on it
Twin Spirits
Good and evil twin spirits that haunt your evoloon
Webbed Wings
Webbed wings go on your evoloon's back
Canine/Feline TailAdd a tail resembling any real-life canine or feline
Camel Humps
Add camel hump(s) to your evoloon's back
Droopy Skin
Your evoloon's skin can now be droopy and/or wrinkled
Can resemble an actual marsupial pouch or even clothing pockets. Can be used to carry items!
Stompy Feet
Large, flat feet like those of an elephant or a sauropod (this does not give your evoloon claws/toenails)
Upgrade Tail
Add a tail resembling any real-life earth mammal (no dolphin/whale tails)
Whiskers can be any length and go all over the face