Trial of the Explorers

9 min read

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Evoloonbot's avatar
Star! This Trial is dedicated to exploring the world of Loonia! Star!

View "Welcome to Loonia!" to read in depth about map locations!

Map of Loonia 2.0 by Evoloonbot

With hidden and new locations being discovered all throughout Loonia, many Evoloons have decided to join in and explore past the reaches of their home. Some do it for the experience, others seek out treasure, while a few are simply searching for a new place to call home.

Star! Rules Star! 

 This Trial can only be completed once per week! But otherwise, it can be repeated as many times as you like, even using the same Evoloons. There is no time limit; once you complete the trial you simply must wait until the start of next week (Monday) to do it again.
  • A maximum of 6 Evoloons per-trial can get rewards.... you can still include more if you like, but they will not get rewards. All Evoloons going for rewards must follow the Visibility Rule. Only Evoloons that you own can get rewards, but Evoloons not owned by you will still grant gift magic.

  • All drawings/panels must have a unique background following our Background rules (you cannot reuse the same background twice) and must be fully colored. Sketches are not allowed. Shading is optional!

  • This can still be done by Evoloons who are pure ocean dwellers! Such as visiting an underwater volcano for a hot area or visiting a kelp forest for a forest area.

  • You can choose the order of the drawings, in case you have a path in mind for your Evoloons, with the exception of the starting and ending pieces.

  • This can be done in a comic/panel format, separate pictures, or written!

  • Make sure to label you pictures with the “Trial of the Explorers”

  • If this is done in separate pictures or parts, you must also list in the title what part it is (ei, Trial of the Explorers- Part  1) and link previous parts in the description.

  • If you are completing this a second time (or more), just add the corresponding number behind the title. (ei, Trial of the Explorers 2- Part  1)

  • Written works must be 350 words per part, or 2,450 words for a combined piece. Because this is about exploring, just be extra descriptive about the area's your Evoloon's visit! 

  • Artwork must be submitted in the Trials> Trial of Explorers folder.

Star! The Trial Star! 

Star! Parting from Home

Even if it ends up being a short trip, your home will be missed…..
Show your Evoloon(s) leaving their home or homeland, setting foot for their adventure. 

Bullet; Black Draw your Evoloon(s) in a forested area!

This should be an area where there is a large amount of trees and other plants. It doesn’t matter the type of trees, so feel free to do something such as Redwoods, or Birch.

Examples of some locations on the map; The Starfruit Forest, the Emerald Rainforest, the Vast Wilds, the location surrounding the The Ruins. 

Bullet; Black Draw your Evoloon(s) in a hot or arid area!

This should be an area where there is little water or little plant life.

Examples of some locations on the map; The Savannah Grasslands, the Desolate Desert, Whispering Barrens, Mount Hellfire, Rockpoint Plateau(arid). 

Bullet; Black Draw your Evoloon(s) in a cold area!

This should be an area where your Evoloon could potentially see their breath! Most mountain ranges at their peaks would probably be cold- so if you don’t include snow, please show either your Evoloon(s) breath or indicate that they are cold.

Examples of some locations on the map; Frostbreath Tundra, Howling Isles, Icy Plains, Hightop Summit. 

Bullet; Black Draw your Evoloon(s) in a watery area!

This should be an area where there lots and lots of water! It can be anything from a marsh to an underwater reef… as long as it’s wet. Your Evoloon(s) does not need to be in the water.
If you are going through this with an Underwater Evoloon, you can show some of the general underwater life your Evoloon sees, like viewing a school of fish.

Examples of some locations on the map; The Tadpool Shallows, the Great Reef, any of the rivers or channels, any ponds… lakes… waterfalls… beaches. 

Bullet; Black Draw your Evoloon(s) in an area heavily populated with something!

This should be an area should be somewhere that is heavily populated by… something. It can be heavily populated by anything living or inanimate; such as mushrooms, birds, frogs, even Evoloons! It must be something specific! For example, it can’t be just a field of random flowers, but it can be a field of all the same flower... which shows that the one type of flower really dominates the area. 

Examples of some locations on the map; Bird-nest Bluffs, Cyber City, the Icy Plains (featuring its giant ice-spike fields). Any town or market would work here too. 

Star! The End of the Journey

Your Evoloon(s) comes across a hidden area, it doesn’t really seem like other Evoloons have been here before but you can’t know for sure......

Draw your Evoloon(s) coming across a secret area. This area should look runned down, abandoned, or untouched. This can be anything to your imagination, from an old ruins to a shipwreck! There are no other requirements aside from it looking old or hidden- Have fun!

Star! Rewards Star! 

As a reminder:
 A maximum of 6 Evoloons per-trial can get rewards. Make sure all your artwork was submitted to the Trials> Trial of Explorers folder.

Each Evoloon that does the trial is rewarded:

-x5 Ribbons

Each Artist that does the trial is rewarded:

The Mystery Egg will be auto-rolled, and you will get one of the items in it’s loot pool.

You get to choose which elemental evoloon you want to hatch from the egg.

Your Trial must be approved and in the group before you can earn rewards. When submitting your comment for rewards we'll need to see that you have all the art (or writing) required!

To repeat: This Trial can only be completed once per week!

Star! How to get your rewards Star!

Star! Please list in your comment the names of the Evoloons (of yours) who will receive the reward. They must be present in all parts of the trial.


If you chose to do each picture separately, or multiple written pieces, then please link all the drawings you did. Such as:

Starting Piece: [Link]
-Forest Area: [Link]
-Hot/ Arid Area: [Link]
-Cold Area: [Link]
-Water Area: [Link]
-Populated Area: [Link]
Ending Piece: [Link]

If you chose to do a comic/ panel format, or written piece, then simply link to your piece. Such as:

[Link to your piece]

Star! Comment here for rewards:…

:star: Add "Auto-Hatch" if you want us to auto-hatch your Elemental egg!

How auto-hatching works: Instead of waiting for the Treasury to add your egg into your inventory, and you then hatch it from there, we simply hatch the egg here the same time we approve your Trial. You would link our reply when submitting your Elemental Evoloon into approval, to act as your 'Treasury comment'.

Star! The Elemental Evoloons Star!

Trial & elemental evoloons by rascal4488
Eggs by Stygma
All designs belong to Evoloons 


anonymous's avatar
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Blaubene's avatar

I think this trial may not have been updated- where is the windloon? :O