Summer Event 2020 - The Cyber Scrap Yard (Closed)

5 min read

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The Cyber Scrapyard

Main journal: Summer Event 2020: Finding History

The Cyber scrap yard, an often forgotten part of Loonia. Technology however plays a big part in Loonia, and must be explored! The teams however have been warned to not go into certain parts of the scrap yard, as rumor has it Merlot has a hide out somewhere, and it's best not to mess with the merchant. PEBKAC will be helping with this journey, as she feels at home with the scrap yard and has a lot of knowledge of what could lie inside. With all that knowledge though, she still doesn’t know everything, and that’s where your team comes in!

General Art and Parts Rules

  • The team (including solo) must finish the path before starting a new one.

  • This path can be done only once.

  • Collabs within a team are allowed for each part.

  • Art for each part must be clean (no sketch lines or incomplete/hasted coloring), fully colored and require a full background with depth following our background rules.

  • Shading is optional for each part.

  • All artwork must be new. You cannot reuse previously drawn elements (not even sketches or lineart) and you cannot reuse the same elements in different artwork for the event.

  • Art for each part must show effort. We will not accept evoloons with missing attributes like toes, thumbs, nostrils, etc. The environment must be easily recognizable and show details specific to the chosen path.

  • The name of the path and the number of the part must be included in the title of each the artwork.

  • If you are participating in solo, your 4 artworks can be in the same deviation but must still be distinct (like 4 different panels of a comic).

  • Additional rules are included with each part.

  • All art pieces must be submitted in the event folder.

  • Once all parts are done, please submit your tracker here to get your rewards.

Part 1

PEBKAC has led your team to the Cyber Scrap Yard, she explains that there are unknown dangers in the scrap yard and recommends that your team has some sort of protection.

Draw your team making something to protect themselves.

(Click here for a PEBKAC ref with color chart)


  • PEBKAC must be included in the artwork and must follow the visibility rules

  • All evoloons from the team must be present and must follow the visibility rules

  • In this part your team has to be shown making armor, a weapon, or something that will protect them for the rest of the journey. It can be anything from wooden armor to a tank if you so wish!

Part 2

Now that your team is prepared, they start heading into the scrap yard. What does the scrap yard look like? Is the scrap yard cluttered and covered in smog? Or perhaps it's rather clean and organized.

Draw members of your team exploring the Scrap Yard.


  • At least half of the team must be present and must follow the visibility rules. Odd number of members can be rounded down.

  • Your team must be shown exploring the scrap yard, keep in mind Loonia has technology, so the Scrap Yard must have old technology (or new) in it!

Part 3

While exploring the Scrap Yard your team comes across a door made of gears. One of the gears is missing and there is an obvious spot for one. Your team decides to look around and try to find the gear, however end up waking up a robot guardian! How does your team decide to handle the situation?

Show your team "dealing" with the threat. Either trapping, fighting, or deactivating the robot.


  • At least 2 evoloons must be present and must follow the visibility rules. If your team only has 1 evoloon, you have to use PEBKAC as the second evoloon.

  • Your team must be shown either trapping, fighting, or deactivating the robot. The robot can be any size and look like anything, it just has to be defeated!

Part 4

After defeating the robot, your team discovers the guardian robot had the missing gear embedded into it. Taking the gear out, they place it into its slot and watch as the gears turn, opening the door. What does your team see inside?

Draw your team with what they have found behind the door.


  • All evoloons from the team must be present and at least two of them must follow the visibility rules. The other evoloons must still be recognizable and have their head in the frame. If you have only one evoloon in your team, only this one must be present and must follow the visibility rules.

  • The item can be anything but must be cyber related! It could be very big or very small, if it’s too big for your team to carry back, you can depict them taking notes on it instead, but we must still see what the item is that they found.


  • 4 Magic Mementos per artist

  • 4 upgrades of your choice per evoloon you own on the team. Those upgrades can be given to any of your evoloons.

  • 20 ribbons per artist

  • Team leaders including solo artists: 10 more ribbons

If this is your first path, you will also get:

  • 1 special evoloon egg per artist

  • 1 special companion egg per evoloon


Each evoloon in the team gets 1 participation when completing this path.

This path was created by @ShadowARPG

Main journal: Summer Event 2020: Finding History

© 2020 - 2025 Evoloonbot
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 Please comment here with your tracker to get your rewards