You can also leave restrictions (example: "no gore", "no romantic interaction", "if your using my loonian(s) as a character for a story, I want to see the draft first"). But please, if you are requiring to be contacted for any reason and you are not very active on DA, don't forget to mention so people won't use your loonian(s) for time-sensitive art. If you are not allowing people to upload their art in another site than DeviantArt (like Toyhouse), you have to mention it.
If you are picky on how your loonians must be drawn, please avoid commenting on this journal or be very specific in your comment to warn people. We don't want to spend our time playing mediators between members. We also want artists to keep their artistic freedom and their style.
Since journals are limited in number of comments, please use only one comment for all your loonians, not one comment for each. You are allowed to make a new comment later for new loonians, or if you want to change your comment but cannot anymore. If you change your mind and don't want people to draw your loonians anymore, please hide your comment.
Suggestion: Instead of putting the info in the comment, you can make and link a journal (or other page/document) with all the important info about all your loonians: link to art, ref-sheets, trackers, info about where they live, their occupation, their personality, relationships, companions, restrictions and more. It will be easier for you to make changes and add new loonians later.
Important: This journal is meant for "trivial" interactions between loonians, like just drawing them for gift magic, drawing extras in your scenes or for casual encounters. For relationships or finding a character that will have an important role in your stories, you have to contact the owner first.
General copyright / licencing restrictions:
- Those comments will allow artists to use other artists' character for art meant for the Evoloons group activities / ARPG only. For other uses, it is required to contact the loonians' owner for permission.
- The original owner keeps all the full rights to their characters.
- The artist keeps the full rights to their art.
- If you are using someone else's loonian:
- You are required to properly credit the original artist (with a mention if you are on DA) of the loonian you used.
- You are required to follow the rules/restrictions provided by the owner.
- You are not allowed to sell art containing other people's characters.
- You are not allowed to kill someone else's characters, mutilate them or use them in extreme circumstances (like have them committing some crime) without asking for a specific permission from the owner.
- If the owner is not comfortable with the use you've made of their loonian, you might be required to change or remove your artwork. When in doubt, contact the owner before submitting your artwork. For time-sensitive art, it better to keep all interactions with other people's loonians as neutral as possible.
Important: Since this is posted on the Bot account, the mods will not see your questions/suggestions.
- If you have questions, please use the Help Desk ("Other" comment thread).
- If you have suggestion on what we should add to this journal, please use the The Feedback Corner.