Gargoyle Evoloons

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Gargoyle Egg

Gargoyle Evoloons are very good at hiding, living in caves or hard places to reach. They are guardians, protectors of Loonia. For years, they observed the other Evoloons in secret. Now, it is time for Gargoyle Evoloons to join the community and this is why the Gargoyle Elders left some Gargoyle eggs for adventurers to find.

To make a Gargoyle Evoloon, you need a Gargoyle Egg obtainable from an event, from another member (trade or gift) or from a Mystery Egg.

Anatomy and Creation Rules

Gargoyle Evoloon

Art by @crocopossum

  • Only one body color of a natural common mammal hue;

  • Like any other evoloon, Gargoyles can have up to 5 markings of the same color and shape;

  • Body built follows the same rules as the normal evoloons;

  • Ears must be pointy; can be short or long (mandatory, see the ref below);

  • Eyes have 2 colors (any colors, as long as they are distinct). The pupil is slit, either vertical or horizontal;

  • The usual white parts (inner ears, eyebrows, eye bags, nose, thumbs and fawn spots) can be a lighter or darker color than the body, of the same hue;

  • Mouth is very jagged/pointy (mandatory). Those are not fangs/teeth. See the examples for different variations;

  • Fawn spots are spirals of any shape (round, square, triangular, swirly, etc) (mandatory). Fawn spots placement follows the same rules as the normal evoloon;

  • Do not include the superpower in the approval image;

  • All the other creation rules still apply;

  • You must link the treasury approval comment in the description of the approval sheet (egg hatching).


Gargoyle Evoloon Examples

Ear rules:

Gargoyle Evoloon Ears

Bonuses and Advantages

  • Gargoyle Evoloons are born with the Manipulate Earth superpower. This bonus is not shared with other evoloons.

  • As a thank you for protecting Loonia, Gargoyle Evoloons grant a 1 ribbon rebate for every 10 ribbons of purchase at Merlot's Shop. The bonus is not stackable if you have more than one gargoyle evoloon, meaning if you have multiple gargoyle loons, you don't get more discount.

Example of rebate:

  • If you buy items for a total that is less than 10 ribbons, you don't get any rebate

  • If you buy items for a total of 10 to 19 ribbons, you get a discount of 1 ribbon

  • If you buy items for a total of 20 to 29 ribbons, you get a discount of 2 ribbons

  • Etc.

If your Evoloon is heartbonded to a Gargoyle Evoloon, they get the Gargolye's bonuses and advantages (relevant if the Gargoyle Evoloon belongs to a friend).


Gargoyle Evoloons can pass down their eye anatomy, their "white part" color rule and their fawn spots, but not their other anatomic features (ears and mouth) and not their bonuses (see the Breeding Guide for more details).

Trading a Gargoyle Evoloon

If you trade your Gargoyle Evoloon, you cannot use the Gargoyle advantage anymore.  The Gargoyle Evoloon will be heartbroken and won't be able to get new upgrades until the new owner mend their heart. The new owner will be able to use the Gargoyle Evoloon bonus even if the Evoloon's heart is broken. You can find the general trading rules in the Trading Rules journal.

Breaking Up With a Heartbonded Gargoyle Evoloon

When a heartbond is broken, both Evoloons have their heart broken, meaning they cannot gain new upgrades until they have their heart healed. The Gargoyle Evoloon advantage will still be active for the Gargoyle Evoloon's owner.  If you have a non-Gargoyle Evoloon heartbonded to a Gargoyle Evoloon, the non-Gargoyle Evoloon will lose the Gargoyle advantage but won't lose the magic already gained from this bonus.


To design your Gargoyle Evoloon, you can use the official base. You have to credit the base to Evoloons in the description of your approval sheet.

Gargoyle Evoloon Base

Race Creation History

Gargoyle Evoloon where first obtainable from the Summer Event 2020 - Finding History.

Summer Event 2020 - Finding History

Summer Event 2020 Egg Reveal

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