Ho-oh - Lord of the Sky -EvilQueenie on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/evilqueenie/art/Ho-oh-Lord-of-the-Sky-188434134EvilQueenie

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Ho-oh - Lord of the Sky -



After making the Lugia picture people started asking for a Ho-oh counterpart. SO I thought "why not" xD

But Ho-oh sure was ALOT harder to draw due to the amount of details and colours. I also wanted to make fire around Ho-oh since Lugia had water around it but I couldn't make it look good so I messed around in photoshop to make glowing fire idk <_>;

Because Ho-oh is a rainbow bird I wanted to use alot of different colours but it's mainly red...oh well XD;
I honestly don't think it turned out as well as the Lugia pic but I'm still learning how to use SAI, hopefully I'll get better soon, hope I didn't ruin Ho-oh for you....sorry if I did -_-;
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1905x2000px 3.65 MB
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