Reckless Impatienceevilhomer145 on DeviantArt

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June 28, 2008
Reckless Impatience by ~evilhomer145 is an absolutely amazing artwork and a stunning wallpaper! Thats all I can say about it, you should checkout ~evilhomer145's extraordinary gallery!
Featured by archanN
evilhomer145's avatar

Reckless Impatience


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Some things just won't wait.

The flying rig was by far the trickiest thing to get right, the harness was redesigned three times and the wings more than half a dozen before it looked right.
The caterpillar on the other hand was surprisingly easy build. It turns out that there is not a whole lot to a caterpillar and I found a whole bunch of good reference pictures. Fellow 3d artists take note, google image search is your friend.

The swirly plants, as they've been called, were lifted from an older work

Also, in a shocking break from tradition, lighting and texturing were not the never ending nightmare they usually are.

Thanks to :iconsteve0: who showed me a much better way to light it.

Made in Maya
Rendered in Mental Ray
Post in Photoshop

1280x1024 version [link]

In progress shots [link]
Image size
1920x1200px 187.18 KB
© 2005 - 2025 evilhomer145
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AlderDrawsThings's avatar

Well, there's a disaster waiting to happen.

Still a pretty scene, though!