B and W Photography II by BeautifulBizarreMag, journal
B and W Photography II
I have recently totally fallen in love with B&W Photography :heart:I am also learning about composition, how to create images with impact and emotion, B&W conversion techniques and how to use my camera.
So these amazing images are such an inspiration to me. I hope you enjoy them.:heart: :heart: :heart::thumb203837281: :thumb153707154: :thumb117620259: :thumb49708651: :thumb168701215: :thumb256148637: :thumb265972889: :thumb265997718: :thumb264863818: :thumb168830550: :thumb267738735: :thumb267597232: :thumb267878339: :thumb262175383: :thumb255549769: :thumb269229460: :thumb123135835: :thumb268038452: :thumb265504130: :thumb263798479: :t...
My Christmas Gift to YOU!!!! by CreateArtNotPorn, journal
My Christmas Gift to YOU!!!!
:iconcreateartnotporn:by Unbearable Lightness :iconunbearable-lightness:
http://drlightness.blogspot.comLet the features and festivities begin! I renewed the CreateArtNotPorn super group membership this morning! deviantART offered a great renewal price, and it's time to get the features and fun back into our group!!!Happy Holidays, everyone :xmas: :holly: Look for a great 2012 here on :iconcreateartnotporn:To kick off our new, improved group, here is a feature posted here on Dec. 26, 2010, with some current additions:"WOMEN IN WINTER WHITE":thumb210889699: :thumb274040867::thumb270070959: :thumb244353724: :thumb262492598::thumb272331289...