Evil-DeC0Y on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/evil-dec0y/art/Founder-Finding-Fail-342151627Evil-DeC0Y

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Founder Finding Fail



:iconidontalwaysplz: :iconsaysplz: I don't always make comics based on an episode, but when I do it's (almost) one year old.

I have no idea why the this comic, the shortest comic I've made so far, is the one that's taken the longest, it's been over one month since I released the Luna comic.
:iconapplejacklieplz: (It's totally not at all because of the awesome, newly released games.)

:iconfluttershyyayplz: Yay for Rainbow Dash's first time in a starring/speaking role in one of my comics.

In case you didn't notice, in the first panel I have Rainbow Dash and Derpy decorating the town, my reason for doing this is based on the opening scene of The Last Round-up. I don't know if Derpy was supposed to be helping Rainbow Dash decorate in that scene, but I found the whole idea of Rainbow Dash being stuck with Derpy as the town's "Event Decorators" to be an incredibly wonderful idea, with a LOT of potential for comedy.

This will likelly be the last comic I release this year, so for all of the visitors who aren't watchers of mine, and are just passing through, and will not see the future messages of mine, wishing cheer for all,
Merry Christmas! And Happy New year!

MLP© and it Characters belong to Hasbro©.
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1400x6650px 4.95 MB
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toasteda's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

I definitely got a good laugh out of this comic, cause It's true!

Frequently you can see a lot of doubled ponies in many episodes. And this comic would possibly be the best logic of explaining that! I really enjoyed the original plot line, and how smooth the comic goes.

One of my favorite parts was the art. The art is well drawn as if it came straight from the artists of My Little Pony! The background is very strict, so It's easily told that it's Hearts Warming Eve, but I noticed that the snow on the roofs have more snow, than on the ground. Personally I think that there should be more snow on the ground if the roofs of the houses have more snow. Unless ponies shoveled the ground of course.

The book that Twilight is holding seems a little too small for the page, I'd recommend fixing that.

Overall this is a very original comic, I enjoyed it, definitely going into my favorites.