I Like your Face - Issue 13 by AshleyxBrooke, journal
I Like your Face - Issue 13
:thumb167394480: I Like Your Face Here's a collection of some beautiful portraits I've come across on DA. Some of these just leave me speechless.:thumb196418513: :thumb196311340: :thumb141424394:
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Art Feature 10 (check for your art!) by xJRosex, journal
Art Feature 10 (check for your art!)
"A good holiday is one spent among people whose notions of time are vaguer than yours."
-John B. PriestlyFirst off, Happy Belated Thanksgiving! :iconturkeyplz:Here is the 10th journal I'm making to showcase some art that I think deserve more recognition or I just want other people to see. These people put a lot of time and care into their work and deserve to be appreciated. I'm doing these features once every few weeks or so, especially with all the positive reactions I'm getting from them. (:Thanksgiving
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I haven't written anything since autumn, so I decided to show some 'in progress'pictures of the drawings I made in these months while I was studying realism:
I realised that this journal is a perfect place for sketches and other things I don't want to have in my main gallery but still don't mind showing you, guys.
My relationship with food reached a whole new level I guess :D. These portraits (actually they are more like sketches, yeah, but still) are made with coffee, chocolate and syrups :D. Because eating food is too mainstream :giggle: