Evehly on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/evehly/art/Celestia-Silhouette-454814409Evehly

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Celestia Silhouette



Finally got around to drawing Minimalism Tia as a follow-up to Lulu: Luna Silhouette by Evehly

Drawing Celestia was considerably more difficult, given the fact I wasn't quite sure how to approach Celestia's multi-colored mane -3- however, I surprisingly completed this piece in less time.

You can haz the transparent version here in case you'd like to use this silhouette for non-commercial purposes. You do not need to ask for permission. As long as you give credit where credit is due, you're good!

Fear not, for I have not just been sitting on my rump these past-- *counts* ... two weeks of not uploading any legitimate art. I have a lot of finished artwork that I have piling up. Now all I need to do is figure out when I'll want to drown you all with it :icontrollestia2plz:

Also, I've almost hit 800 watchers! Fanks Gaiz :iconcelestiaderpplz:


P.S.: Watched new Godzilla movie. 10/10 rainbows.

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