A Drink with your PrincessEvehly on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/evehly/art/A-Drink-with-your-Princess-456619652Evehly

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Evehly's avatar

A Drink with your Princess



I shaded Twilight's hair differently than usual. I'm pleased with the outcome c:
I could have shaded those wings better. Thing is, I didn't feel like putting up with it. Wings are a pain .-.
Fun Fact: This was originally going to be Fluttershy :icontrollestiaplz:

Edit: Hasn't even been an hour and I'm already making changes to the piece xD just some small fixes to the sheets 'n' such. Nothing to see here >->

Time: Iunno. 6hrs?

Lineart: WIP A drink with your Princess by Evehly

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3000x2800px 5.27 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Evehly
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