Eveeka on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/eveeka/art/Discord-s-journey-through-Death-cover-853847987Eveeka

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Discord's journey through Death cover



Discord's Journey Through Death cover
"Immortality is a concept that can be both desirable and powerful to the naked eye. A concept so divine and sought after by those who are afraid of the end. A draconequus, Discord, has met that end, after countless years of nonstop chaos. Unfortunately for him, he still has a desire to continue living. But to change the mind of the reaper will be a challenge. A challenge a fool like himself will take. If only he would know that once you witness Death’s eye, you are forever under his domain, until you’ll rest in piece."

Well, well, well. TLA isn't finished yet. I mean there are still some pages to post but I'm proud to present you the cover of another story. Well I suppose it won't be as long as TLA. This story is written by :iconthefvguy:. When he showed me his fanfic based on TLA weeks ago I loved it and came up with idea to turn it into comic, and he agreed. And here we are. This story is a midquel  (for those who don know it's a work that is set during the timeframe of a previous work, rather than before or after iten.wiktionary.org/wiki/midquel). Which means it's happening in the middle of The last adventure when Mane 6 and the rest were mourning Discord after his sacrifice.
For this cover I drew Discord and the rest is made by :iconthefvguy:
I hope you will enjoy this comic as much as you enjoyed TLA :D

From FV:
Hi, I’m the writer here and I hope none of you stalk me at night for what I’m about make this character go through. Cheers.

First: You are here
Next: MLP FIM DJTD pg 1 by Eveeka

Don't use, steal, copy, trace, and etc. Drawings belong to me. MLP belongs to Hasbro!

      Commission price guide 2022 (open) by Eveeka

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Discord's journey through Death: Discord's journey through Death cover
Forest Spirits: FS cover

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Image size
1610x2338px 1.63 MB
© 2020 - 2024 Eveeka
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DarkZ67's avatar

A new comic with discord. Let’s read it