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TOT Team Asian Spice



Dual team with the amazing :iconpoisonbannana: He's finally coming back to da :D this team is for :icontalesoftabira:

Team Asian Spice


Guild Rep                       Badges

   KEEPERS: 0                      0            
  TRACKERS: 0                      0              
 SCHOLARS: 0                      0              
ARTISANS: 0                      0            


Name: Sunete Reon
Species: Fennekin
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Nature: Sassy
Trait: Likes to fight
Ability: Blaze

- Fire Spin
- Psyshock
- Fire Blast

Sunny is incredibly rude and blunt. She doesn't think of how others might feel when she talks to them and gets increasingly irritated if called out for it. She is incredibly lazy, however if she needs to get away she is very quick on her feet. Sunny is very hot headed and has no problem fighting with someone just to make a point even if shes wrong. She doesn't like a lot of social interaction, and if you interrupt her solitude she will get very hostile. If you can bare to tolerate her long enough you will eventually chip away to her soft spot. She can be very supportive and sweet if she actually cares about you.


- Doesn't let what people say about her eyebrows get to her.
- Often is called a boy due to her behavior.
- Doesn't care about your feelings.
- Her lack of evolution despite her age is due to her laziness.
- Needs a gem to boost her Psychic powers since shes too lazy to actually strengthen her powers.
- Is being intimidated to teach some chick magic even though she herself can barely use magic.
- Doesn't really talk to her family. They have no idea where she is.

What she sounds like: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q437SK…
Mun: Eve-Of-Halloween

Sunny hasn't met anyone yet!

Other teammates:

Name: Harumi Mei
Species: Kirlia
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Nature: Quiet
Trait: Quick to flee
Ability: Trace

- Magical Leaf
- Psychic
- Dream Eater
- Shadow Ball

Kind just like her older sister, Harumi gladly goes out of her way to help people. However, Harumi can be very manipulative and use her timid behavior to trick stronger Pokemon into doing something for her. She has a bad habit of Using her Brother-In-Law Rama as an intimidation tactic to get other mages to help her. aside from those traits Harumi lacks confidence in her own skills as a magic user and often sells herself short. Harumi can be very insecure and get extreamly jealous very easily. Despite the fact that she manipulates people she always tries to take account of their feelings depending on the action. Harumi is very loyal and family oriented and will do any thing to make sure her family are safe and happy. Harumi hopes to one day have children of her own, though playing mom with her brothers and sisters children does satisfy that wish to an extent.


- Moved from a far away land to escape something.
- Used her brother-in-law's title to "convince" another mage to teach her how to control her magic.
- Is hiding something from her family, especially her sister, but wont admit what.
- Is extreamly timid due to her protective upbringing, hopes to toughen herself up
- has 9 nieces and nephews who she loves very much.
- likes to over prepare for the worse situations to happen.
- Has a thing for Bisharps due to her father and siblings being Bisharp.

What she sounds like: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJabPY…
 Mun: PoisonBannana

Harumi hasn't met anyone yet!

Honey Comb Storage: N/A yet

Tumblr: teamasianspice.tumblr.com/
cameos?: YES! You can use them for cameos! If you want them to speak please contact us to discuss what they would say
rps?: OF COURSE! Both muns love to RP. You may rp via comments, skype, discord, tumblr, or notes.
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1025x3567px 1.96 MB
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Vanilla-Flowers's avatar
Hi! I love your team.