[S-I] An Emotional CallEve-Of-Halloween on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/eve-of-halloween/art/S-I-An-Emotional-Call-1074108874Eve-Of-Halloween

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[S-I] An Emotional Call



Content Warning: Contains topics of pregnancy and implied child death (Placing this warning because DA removed entire mild content warning category for sensitive topics under the filter system)

Muffin was never a crier, however with her current state there is little she can actually do to help anyone, and she's feeling a little emotional and is downright terrified.

Name of event: [EVENT] Face to Face

Focus Curio: Muffin

EXP Tally:

  • Shaded Fullbody - 6EXP

  • Simple Background - 4EXP

Total: 10EXP

Token Tally:

  • Shaded Fullbody - 12T

  • Simple Background - 8T

Total: 20T    

Rp Response: Yes (Miog)  
Question: "Hello, m-my name is Muffin Oakley and I am a member of the Undyre r-race here." Hic "My people have been through a lot in just 4 years, but we've managed to come back and make new lives for ourselves."  H-Hic "I am sorry if I am a tad weepy, I-I'm normally not a crier...But I am currently five months pregnant with my first child and I'm due early next month and I'm a little sensitive... But I've been working really hard to be a good mom and do right by my child."

"My Partner Jovik and I are of two different cultures, he's an Eisgar, one of the biggest of them too. It's only been a short amount of time that all the different cultures started intermingling and my child is one of hopefully many mixed cultured babies who were going to be born before you came. And we have been so excited to share both of our traditions with our child and to see how they choose to fuse them or even make completely new traditions with them as they grew up. Jovik even made a bead fusing two different materials to represent both our cultures that he's been so excited to give them on their 5th birthday. Jovik really does make some of the most beautiful beads, you should see them they really are works of art..."

"But in the event, we cannot convince your people to let us live, I-" Hic "I-I wanted to ask, will I get to see my child's face at least once before you kill us? Just so if there actually is someplace people go when they die, I-I can find him or her again, and tell them how sorry I am."


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Curio-Cabinet's avatar

Miog is visibly uncomfortable seeing one of the aliens cry. He’d become accustomed to the rage and honestly it made them more like the feral ankuri he had to put up with on the ship. It made it easier. Seeing one cry? It was an uncanny thing that made them see more like the Ancients.

He puts on his best political facade as he answers. “That’s really not my department, but given that no take over is all that swift I’m sure there will be time for you to scamper off and welp your child if you so desire.” The answer makes him feel good. It’s the kind of answer that would bump him up a few percents in the approval polls. But like many things out of a politician’s mouth it was a lie with no basis in reality. He had no idea how much time these creatures had and he wasn’t about to do the mental math to find out. He has to sleep at night afterall!

“You mentioned something about subspecies,” he says quickly, eager to change the subject. “Do you all fight frequently? Or is that an on and off thing?”

Drop: 6exp

Miog has asked a question! “Do curio subspecies fight often?”

feel free to answer or ignore!