A.F.P.D.L.M. - Steampunk Dunnyevanjensen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/evanjensen/art/A-F-P-D-L-M-Steampunk-Dunny-59447203evanjensen

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A.F.P.D.L.M. - Steampunk Dunny



The Automatic Furnace-driven Perambulatory Device, Lapine Model. The little beastie is constructed of one 8" KidRobot Pharoah Dunny (sanded and primed), model car parts, copper wire, incandescent lightbulbs and parts, one cannibalized RC helicopter, solder, electrical switches, pvc pipes, screws, rubber gaskets, plastic tubing...

And a few days' work with paint fumes. We gave him away to one of the winners of the five minihunts we ran that weekend. The prizes for those were steampunk Munnies (one of which you can sort of see poking out from behind the Dunny's box in the first photo). Those five teams competed to solve the last puzzle for the big guy here. And a $2k ruby which came with him... but really, the dunny's so much cooler. ; p My favorite part is the little switch on his chin actually makes a satisfying CLUNK sound when you flip it... though I didn't have enough prep time to figure out the wiring and powering of the ear-light this time. That is for... THE FUTURE!


Copyright 2007 The Ambrose Estate, Inc & Evan M Jensen.
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