Current Residence: In Evana's closet XD Shell of choice: Evana's shell x3 Wallpaper of choice: Any of Evana's characters Skin of choice: Evana's skin Favourite cartoon character: Evana Personal Quote: JOIN EVANA'S FC!!!<3
Hello there everyone
I am just wanting to say thank you to everyone who has contributed so far to this FC.
Its so cool of you guys. ^___^
Oh and if you are new to this page and would like to join this FC please leave me a comment.
Also, just so you know. If you are a member of this FC please contribute at least ONE piece of artwork of Evana or Evana-related. Please no nudity or anything that represents sexual inuendo.
Send me a link to your beautiful Evana art through a note. I will put it up a.s.a.p.
Thanks guys!
Oh dear me. I am so sorry for not being up to date with this FC. i've just been busy
Hallo peoples xD
Its really awesome to see so many of you joining this FC.
It makes my day when people comment and say they want to join.
Please please guys. We need some more Evana-art.
If its a problem right now thats okay, just whenever you guys have time. We just need more that 4 deviations. XD!
If anyone would like to make an ID for this FC please feel free to do so.
Thanks again guys. :glomp:
Your all such great people
~Foxy-page ( :iconBloody-Kryptonite::iconscrii: :icondarkjaguar01: :iconkimira: :iconMisstressOfDOOM: :