Abysswalker Weapons PDO/PDF (+ Cursed Greatsword!)EuTytoAlba on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/eutytoalba/art/Abysswalker-Weapons-PDO-PDF-Cursed-Greatsword-576032542EuTytoAlba

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EuTytoAlba's avatar

Abysswalker Weapons PDO/PDF (+ Cursed Greatsword!)



Star! You can download this ZIP from DeviantArt's servers by looking around this page for a DeviantArt generated buttonStar!
Star! OR you can download this ZIP from MediaFire: www.mediafire.com/download/5kf…

Star! Page for templates of 'restored'/'untainted' variations: fav.me/da3akpi Star!

FILE UPDATED 12.22.15!!! I just updated this papercraft with a ton of little fixes and some scale refinement. I hate outdating a file practically as soon as it goes up and then asking 117 people (omg :squee:) to update their copies, so I also threw in a papercraft of Artorias's Cursed Greatsword to make the inconvenience worthwhile. Er... the preview image still needs to be updated, but the 3D view on the left (what these weapons will look like assembled) hasn't changed. ....Does anyone actually read a word I say? :noes:

I am particularly proud of this one. :meow: :meow: :meow:

So, if you're inclined to console gaming and you haven't tried the "Souls" series yet, FOR YOUR INNER TEN-YEAR-OLD'S SAKE GET YOUR COPIES FOR THE PS3 AND NOT THE XBOX!!!! Unless, of course, you are already the sort to pay monthly for Xbox Gold, their online-play service. My bro heard I favor hard games over easy ones, so he got me used copies of "Dark Souls" 1 & 2 for the Xbox, uncertain as to weather I would like them...... Of course, I LOVED the first one (have yet to start the second), but because we don't fork out a royal fee to Microsoft, I feel like I've missed out on a huge part of the game----all the pulse-pounding PVP. :saddummy: On the other hand, Sony offers their online-play services for PS3 for free, thus sparing their slimmer customers this grief.

What's wacky, though, is that even though I haven't bought the DLC on Xbox (these DLC models were ripped from my bro's PC copy), it turns out that what you really buy is a mere unlock-code for content that has already been saved on your console. In other words, ALL fully updated copies of "Dark Souls" are the "Prepare To Die" edition; on any "normal" edition, such as mine, those locked levels are there, taking up space on your Xbox's hard drive even though you can't play them! Microsoft/From Software/both/maybe even Sony did this in order to keep the game from breaking when another player who has DLC weapons equipped invades you, or you invade another such player. However, since my bro and I did pay for that hard drive space, AND ESPECIALLY BECAUSE I CAN'T EVEN PLAY THE ONLINE ASPECTS OF THE GAME WHICH NEED THAT DATA, I'm pretty peeved about the whole thing.... (In general, I'm unsupportive of DLCs; imo they just come off as proof of premature publication.) I found this all out by talking to the Anor Londo blacksmith, seeing the Abyss Greatsword show up as an option with unmet criteria (the soul of Artorias), and then going on a harrowing quest through gaming forums to find out wtf.

On that note......will be trading in my Xbox copy of DS2 for a used PS3 one, even though my bro and I generally like to keep all the instalments of any given series on the same console as each other. And I probably will buy the DLC for myself after all, IF it goes on sale....

Because, from what I've learned just perusing around online, Artorias is by far my favorite character in the whole game. Compared to all the others, I'm really feeling his & Sif's story, because my border collie of 14 years almost died last summer and I had to fend-off a small legion of vets & other peeps who were constantly pressuring me to put him down. Diagnoses of fatal conditions no vet would even test for because their word for it was supposed to be good enough, expensive prescription drugs that just had horrible side-effects without benefiting a darn thing, guilt-trips about holding on too long and putting my dog through unnecessary pain (that turned out to be caused by the drugs and not his illness), "hospice-care instructions" (a six page email, the vet's condition for sending my dog home with me at all) that sounded downright weaponized-----they tried everything. Instead, by forsaking nearly all sleep for two months to watch over my doggie, myself, 24/7, I actually brought him back from the brink, and he's almost fine now! Dancing :la:  (Brain tumor was the official diagnosis-----brain tumor my ass! unless Vitamin C and Magnesium, which were what *I* put him on, are enough to cure them.) ........Now, though, I think I probably look at least five years older all of a sudden because of the intense stress. .....But, hay, I get to keep my best friend a little longer. :D AND keep feeling like there ain't nuthin' I can't overcome with enough determination! :powerup: 
© 2015 - 2025 EuTytoAlba
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umbreonnamedangel's avatar
I know this is an old project, but I was wondering if the size of the sword was scaled down or fit to a ratio? Or is the Artorias model you have up there actually the player character in his armor, because Artorias is much taller than 6 ft in the game it seems. Just so you don't think I'm complaining, I'm actually trying to figure out Artorias' in-game height.