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Eurwentala's avatar

Sailed Away



A stylistic experiment, trying to go for a storybook style. Otherwise, I have no idea what to say about the origin of this piece. I started with the ship and the rest just sort of grew around it little by little.

Russian archipelago frigate Svjatoi Nikolai, which in real life sank in a battle in 1790, has somehow ended up in the Jurassic, on dry land, and with enough force to fell trees. It seems like it's been there for a while. I wonder what happened to the crew?

The ship is based on this Creative Commons licensed 3D model by Zoan:…
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3000x3227px 2.2 MB
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OviraptorFan's avatar

Well whatever happened with the crew, it's very likely the ship and whatever other traces left behind will be lost to time, possibly within justa few centuries. After all, there is nothing around the maintain the ship...