Euphoria-Fan-Club's avatar


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didn't know Euphoria has a dA fanpage :D
Thanks by accept me ;U;
Hello ;u;
I have a liiiittle problem..I can't upload my conest entry here on DA because I don't have internet in this moment :'D
And I can't upload things on DA with my cellphone :iconlazycryplz:
But here is the link with my entry! [link]
I promise I will upload it here inthe group tomorrow! ;u;
now i submit my entry for the contest...
hopefully u'll accept that....
already submitted my entry hoprfully it got accepted..:iconlazycryplz:LOL.
Thnx a whole ton for accepting, and to show my appreciation I'll start a fanart right now!!!

*scribble scribble*
Heh this might take a few days...