A world like this existing only in non-esxsistentialism of miles of minds !
Or a actual time travel from 23'rd century has happened without a time travel = without a time travel - here ; in 21st. century
A future depended too much of it's design to be fanciest and depended some inspirations to lead into past with unknown recoursfullness for modern non-exagarated world !
Or in future there are comunities pulling past in to future designs with equal timetravel say say so!
What if it of .typology. understanding twisting even perceptual 3d type to be different thing for architecture; and there is truly = something we cannot see yet...
Mby we are in the choice CENTURY , the one that sees many many smart minds projecting themselves from other planets to choose what kind of design is best for this world ?!
Somthing to think about,
Least away from worries that timetravel is not understood correctly becouse of geometry itself,
and there in future somwhere is one big building wich simply will REBOOT all my evolution.