Warp me fast!Euderion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/euderion/art/Warp-me-fast-1122088379Euderion

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Warp me fast!


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"Warp me fast!"

Captain Carol Freeman

Class Info:
The California class is a 535.2 meters long utility support vessel which was never supposed to be in the foreground of any point of action. In the California-class line, there are three types of hull painting: blue, red, and yellow. Like the divisions in Starfleet, the Yellow version seen on the USS Cerritos represents Engineering and Operations. These ships were used as Tug's, repairing border world stations or help with construction of technical infrastructure after first contact mission.

The Blue hulled California versions are usually deployed to places where there has to be more medical expertise. These ships can provide first aid for damaged spaceships or intervene in planetary emergencies.

Red hulled ships represent the Command division. These are usually used to transport Ambassador and Deligates.

Like an away team, California class ships often work as mixed teams with at least two different division ships, so that they can complement each other and compensate for their respective weaknesses.

The class has three shuttlebays facing aft, two in the primary hull and one in the engineering module. It has 15 Decks, 11 in the saucer section, 4 in the module. The warp nacelles have integrated a turbolift shaft to reach the engineering module.

Done in 3d Max 10

No Post Work

Cerritos model by David Metlesits thefirstfleet

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Just keep circling - Lower Decks Season 3
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