Under the Celestial ArchwayEuderion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/euderion/art/Under-the-Celestial-Archway-1146292221Euderion

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Under the Celestial Archway


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Constellation class testbed USS Euderion NCC-1951.

The second Starfleet ship with the name "Euderion", operated from 2259-2272.

The USS Euderion NCC-1951 was a testbed ship for the later Cheetah and Constellation classes.

In 2256 the starting shot was given for the construction of the Constellation class, or at least what would later become the Constellation class. In the Proxima shipyards, the prototype was built, which was to be designed for balanced systems, a "Jack of all Trades". The Proxima shipyard had a relatively free choice of names for "their" ship and  Gihlan't'aehn, a great advocate of colonial policy, who overseer the construction, named the ship 'Euderion' after the founders of the first Federation colonies in Alpha Centauri. The shipyard began construction work in the middle of 2256.

In 2259, the USS Euderion was launched under the command of Captain Gihlan't'aehn.

Rendered in 3ds Max 10

Some Post Work in Adobe After Effects.

Constellation model parts by David Metlesits thefirstfleet

Spacescape Background by @GrahamTG

More images of this ship:

Through the Antares Maelstrom
Its warpin time
Shuttlecraft Orion
Andorian Pirates
Two versions of the same concept
Image size
4400x2000px 612.97 KB
© 2025 Euderion
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byrner201's avatar

I love this ship she's a beast. Beautiful scene. Well, done.