USS Stone MountainEuderion on DeviantArt

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USS Stone Mountain



In 2156 the Starfleet ship U.S.S. Carrizal crossed a twin class M star system near the Triangula system. The science officer called the two planets Romulus and Remus, after the mythical twins, who founded the Roman Empire two thousand years ago. Three months after this event the U.S.S. Balboa was sent to a First Contact mission to the Romulan system. Upon entering the orbit, the Balboa was attacked by fifty small, birdlike ships.

The Daedalus class cruiser U.S.S. Stone Mountain responded to the emergency call of the Balboa and reached into the fight.
But the Balboa was destroyed, and the Stone Mountain fell into enemy hands.

The Romulans learned from their spoils of war.
The Stone Mountain was equipped by Starfleet with a powerful warp drive, which exceeded the most modern designs of the Romulans. Soon the romulans equipped their own ships with Warp 5 engines.

After the romulans mastered the federation tech and 
were able to recreate it, the Stone Mountain was rebuilt as a carrier ship, wich sent their Birds of Prey in the battle.

Rendered in 3d Max 10
No Post Work
Background painted in Paint Shop Pro 7
Original Daedalus class by David Metlesits :iconthefirstfleet:
Daedalus modifications by me

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AtolmAzel's avatar

Beautiful work brother!

By chance, do you have any orthos of the Romulan Daedalus?