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A Squadron of romulan Bloodwings, the romulan version of the Defiant class.
Class description:
The Aen'rhien class (named after a Vulture like bird on Romulus which literally translated to "Bloodwing" because of their green colored feathers) was first introduced in 2375, the last Year of the Dominion War.
After the official declaration of war against the Dominion, the Romulans had to face the small and much more agile Jem'Hadar attack ships. Romulan warbirds were many times stronger, but they showed considerable disadvantages against the swarm tactics of the enemy. Smaller Birds of Prey were present, but were mostly out of date to face the attack ships of the Dominion. So the Romulan Navy desperately needed a modern and agile strike ship. The battle analysis showed that one ship type stood out on the battlefield. The Defiant class of Starfleet. The goal was clear, the Romulan military wanted a own version of the Defiant.
Overseer of the new Project was Sub-Commander T'Rul which husband and children were executed by the Cardassians after the Romulan Empire declared war on the Dominion. So she had several reasons to develop a perfect killing machine to get revenge on the Dominion. T'Rul was familiar with the Defiant project in the past as she oversaw the installation of the Romulan cloaking device on the Federation ship. She was able to provide valuable first hand information for a Romulan version of the Defiant.
The Aen'rhien class is an extremely agile and fast ship. As a special feature, it has a multidirectional impulse drive which can also be discharged from the side or to the front, which leads to a faster reaction time during maneuvers and could also be used to turn the ship on the spot. Since the ship was supposed to operate with larger and slower ships anyway, the Aen'rhien was not given a high-performance warp drive. With Warp 9.0 she reaches speeds similar to the D'deridex or D'rithau Warbirds. Using the cloaking device, she has to reduce her speed to warp 6 so that the cloaking field remains stable.
As a warship it is of course heavily armed. Her arsenal includes 4 plasma pulse weapons that are very similar to those of the Defiant class. If not at warp speed, these are fed directly by the warp drive, which makes them far more powerful than typical plasma weapons. It also has five standard disruptor beam cannons (4 front, 1 rear) which are not quite as powerful as the impulse weapons, but have a greater range. As secondary armament, the Aen'rhien has four plasma torpedo launchers (2 at the front, 2 at the rear) which are located in the upper weapon tower. The ship also has 8 light disruptor beam arrays for point defense against incoming torpedos or starfighter.
Due to its small size and the resulting lower mass, the ship is able to land on planets. But it also has a small shuttle hangar with a scout ship and two passenger shuttlepods in it.
Done in 3d Max 10
No Post Work
Aen'rhien class Modelparts by David Metlesits thefirstfleet and myself
Space Nebula and Planet Stock image by myself
More Romulan ships:
Sela: They fired the plasma weapons at WARP?
Picard: We are truly sorry for your loss. Our condolences.