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The Assault of Nozseca occurred at the second year of the klingon war, and were a significant setback for Federation forces.
Losing its flagship at the battle of Pahvo and having lost another unifying leader, the Klingons were no longer acting as a single force – instead, the twenty-four Houses competed for dominance by seeing which House could destroy the most Federation assets. The attacks were indiscriminate, targeting hospitals, civilians, and food convoys. One of these targets were the Planet Nozseca a more civilian colony with just a small defending force of Starfleet.
Nevertheless, marines on Nozseca under Andorian General Shruth put up a valiant defense as they attempted to engage orbiting spacecraft with their limited surface-based, anti-space weapons. The defending Star Fleet squadron of Portsmith class destroyers and Nelson class scouts had been eliminated quickly, giving the Klingons uncontested ground attack capability from orbit. The defending forces were annihilated by ship-based disruptor attacks, and Klingon soldiers landed, the cities reduced to rubble.
Rendered in 3ds Max
Post Work in Paint Shop Pro 7
Lighting in Adobe After Effects
Klingon D5 & D6 models by David Metlesits @thefirstfleet
There's just something about a large city completely ravaged by starships that just hooks me every time I see a picture of one. We honestly don't see enough cities that are just torn into by an invasion force from space; they're always completely flattened/atomized or kept in relatively pristine conditions. So it's refreshing, for me at least, to see a scifi city that has been put through the equivalent of a wood chipper...And still being fought over.
I guess you can blame Terminator for my preference, I guess. It's always managed to present that 'savaged world' look when we see the Machine War segments.