Old not ObsoletEuderion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/euderion/art/Old-not-Obsolet-842408070Euderion

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Old not Obsolet



Centaur and Constellation class in the late 24th Century.
Both ship classes entered service in the 2280s by the federation starfleet. The Centaur as lighter scout and patrol frigate, the Constellation as medium Star Cruiser and workhorse noted for performing both deep-space exploration and defensive-patrol duties.
By the mid-2360s, both classes of "old-style" starships was on the fringe of being phased out of the fleet.
However, the rising tension in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants caused both ships to undergo a slight upgrade and to keep them in service. A decision that later turned out to be wise. Some Constellation class ships took part in a blockade during the Klingon Civil War in 2368 to prevent the Romulans from interfering and ultimately helped to end that war.
The Centaur class saw action during the Dominion War and acted as fast scoutships allowed them to provide an early warning and a first line of defense against invading Dominion forces.

Rendered in 3d Max 10
No Post Work
Background Nebula painted in Paint Shop Pro 7
Centaur class by David Metlesits thefirstfleet
Constellation class by RaulMamoru

Watch more of these two classes here:

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4400x2400px 1007.67 KB
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