Federation Courier ConceptEuderion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/euderion/art/Federation-Courier-Concept-1126718746Euderion

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Federation Courier Concept


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A first concept for the Iris class Courier starship.

For an upcoming Euderion Infinity Star Trek fan film, we need a smaller courier ship that is used by a group called the Aurian Guard, a group of refugees and homeless people like the El-Aurians, Xindi, Bajorans and recently also Cardassians.

For this purpose, I developed the Iris class (named after Iris, messenger of the gods), which is intended to be reminiscent of existing courier ships such as the Ju'Day, Ma'jel and Peregrine classes. Here is the first concept.

Class idea:

The Iris class is a somewhat more modern courier ship of the Federation (not the Starfleet) but has already been in service for a few years. Couriers are used for transporting passengers or classified documents in a secure and speedy manner which cannot be transmitted via subspace radio.

Couriers like the Iris class are extremely fast and can maintain this speed for a long time. This is why they are also suitable for delivering delayed personnel by catching up with the target ship.

Courier ships are usually only lightly armed, but can be heavily upgraded, as proven by the Maquis, who predominantly rely on Peregrine or Ju'Day class courier ships.

Done in 3ds Max

Model parts mostly by David Metlesits with some parts supplemented by myself

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4140x5454px 877.94 KB
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