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S4 E8: A Chance to Shine



Sometimes, all you need is someone who believes in you enough to give you a chance.

I am a fan of Rarity, I admit. I find her melodrama most entertaining, and I feel for her as an artist. I empathize with her overwhelming desire to enter and win the competition, though her thankless behavior may have been a bit too over the top. I mean come on, you have to feed your peons- er, team mates. I've had some good producers who made sure we were well provided for, and it went a long way. All the same, I found the episode to be a fun romp. And oh my god, the assistant was so adorable. Did she really never get called by name? That's so sad.

Edit: Her name is Coco Pommel... I love it. Thanks for letting me know.

Moral of the episode: art thieves burn in hell.

MLP:FiM is (c) Hasbro
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Makenshi179's avatar
You foresaw last week's episode!! :D