Making something newEsuka on DeviantArt

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Esuka's avatar

Making something new



Alternate title:SCIENCE!
And just in time for the EQD contest. There are a ton of awesome entries, but I can stand to hope. Good luck to everyone. And to all, a happy new year. Let's make 2012 a year worth living.

Done in photoshop CS4
MLP:FiM is (c) Hasbro and Lauren Faust, ass-covering engaged.
Image size
2000x1125px 2.07 MB
© 2012 - 2024 Esuka
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ctrlaltBATMAN's avatar
Once again an amazing job... but I have possible idea: maybe more of a fish-eye lense effect (the viewer would feel even more like they are peering from within the cauldron)