ES: Seeds of Darkness SPECIAL: ''Apple Bucking''EStories on DeviantArt

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ES: Seeds of Darkness SPECIAL: ''Apple Bucking''




MLP;FiM is owned by "Hasbro" and "Lauren Faust"

English isn't my native language.
If you find any mistakes (comic/journal/(my) commentary)- PLEASE send me a note! I will correct it!

Inspired by: :icontritebristle:
Check it out! It's awesome!

Vectors taken from the show!
When I take vectors, then I will link to them.


/)w(\ Seriously... I don't know what I was thinking xD

Important: This page is "Special", that means it isn't "Canon". I guess c_O

I've drawn more than 1000 vectors, but never used them more than 1 - 2 times, so I thought:"Let's make a whole page with old vectors!"
Well... Applejack in the last panel is new, but totally worth drawing her x3

It's something for us all to enjoy, ok? :3

P.S.: Yes, Applejack (shown on the last panel) is exactly like this in the show ^^"


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1004x4337px 1.13 MB
© 2015 - 2025 EStories
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well this does explane the frickles