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Estefanoida's avatar




Aww Rock's family is growing even more! Let's meet Beck a.k.a. Mighty No. 9, he would be the spiritual sucesor of Megaman that will make his debut on 2015 (let's hope so) as a 2d game that's practicaly with the same mecanics as the classic MM games. A doctor created some super advance robots, they gone bad due to a virus, Beck somehow dont and it's apt to him to save the world! Yay!.....not really....

He'll be able to copy the robot's powers (like Megaman), he have an arm cannon (like Megaman), and will have a female sister-like robot partner (like f*cking Megaman).

Also, a dog.........(lik- arg! forget it, you get the idea -_-)

*sigh* so yeah, practicaly a Megaman game with different characters....let's hope it dosen't end like some MM games.....*cough*Megamanlegends3*cough*

Some people calls him MM replacement, others dont see it like a Megaman-like game but, I like to call it "The Megaman from another universe"

Let's give them support!
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BlueRoseKelly's avatar
This is actually really kind of cute.