Chain Gallery Features ! (update - 3 people)

4 min read

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esquimogenerik's avatar
Thanks to :iconrikausse:, I've joined the Chain Gallery Project from :iconglitterdarkstar:

What this is all about ? Just another way of sharing photos ! But more randomly in fact. ;)

So, what about we build a chain letter gallery?

I will feature the first ten friends who respond to this journal by selecting and featuring three images from their gallery. In return the featured person must select three images from the first ten friends who respond to their journal. I'll make an update when I reach ten answers so that anyone could see who was featured. ;)

This is really fun so let's start !


If you want to see what happens next, check Rikausse's journal here :…

So here are the first entries.

**  1  **


lol by maromar  
    cycling through life by maromar  
    geometry by maromar


**  2  **


Website Zeni v2 by zenii
My profile by zenii
Rainbow Room wallpaper by zenii


**  3  **


Gate from below by J-Master
London Museum by J-Master
Pacy sur Eure by J-Master

:iconparisiens: :iconsunsets: :iconex-po-zure:

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J-Master's avatar
c'est ballot, les non-subscribers pourront pas le faire (mettre des features dans leur journal) :(