Escurotia on DeviantArt

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Zephfyre redesign and coloured!



Finally got my soul eating bean an official design and coloured version! And this is after three years and on the original post it says I would give him a coloured version after four weeks...

Few facts: 

Likes to eat souls - doesn't matter good or bad he will nom on them

He's a ghostly boi 

The orb is a manifestation of the many souls he's consumed and I guess it's his magic/mana source 

He used to have a fren called Clyde but who knows what happened to him, it's been years since I last drew him

Despite being all ghostly and cold, he loves cuddles. He's a cuddly bean who wants love and warmth
Image size
2470x2470px 609.72 KB
© 2019 - 2024 Escurotia
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