With coronavirus causing more talk about Universal Basic Income, here’s a little rant from me about why everyone should get something like £1,000 per month.
UBI is cool because people who don’t want to work can sit at home and play video games and drink beer and still *support the economy by doing so*. They will still buy shit. People who do want to work and start businesses will have more options and the ability to take some risks, since their minimum living needs will be met. Employers will have to offer better jobs to attract workers – no more exploiting people who are struggling to get by.
UBI also need not diminish personal responsibilities. It could be tweaked to encourage certain behaviours. Finished highschool? You get slightly more. Doing some volunteering work to help your community? Here’s some extra UBI money.
I don’t believe at all that it would be bad for the economy if the parameters are tweaked correctly. Poor people spend literally all of their
I changed the password to my computadora like two weeks ago
And I forgot it immediately so I'm locked out and have resorted to plugging in whatever words come to mind
(Legit that's how I made the password. The password to the only device I can really draw on )
Soum if I'm unlucky with my guesses who knows I may never draw w/ my tablet again lololol