Zombie Reader - CommissionEryckWebbGraphics on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/eryckwebbgraphics/art/Zombie-Reader-Commission-319436761EryckWebbGraphics

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Zombie Reader - Commission




Just kidding, just finished this vector art for a client's request to have a brain equipped zombie reading a surival handbook for zombies.

Done in vector via photoshop, officialy a landmark in me developing a technique using purely layer objects saved out as vector data. Still got shades and shadows and highlights and gradients but its all vector! Woot.

Will be hangin on the wall of the clients classroom :) Hence it bein a little more fun etc than real and gross :)

Fun stuff. Thats a wrap for today. Time to go pickup the wife from work... then later doin the $20 commish scheduled for today for a certain ecto-nut!
Image size
500x647px 176.49 KB
© 2012 - 2025 EryckWebbGraphics
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Is this image able to be used ?  My school is doing a zombie reading mo th. Id like to use this image on t shorts for the staff? Do you sell the PNG?