It Was Only A KissError-500 on DeviantArt

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It Was Only A Kiss



New and Improved Riley! It's been so long since I've drawn him, I missed him.
His old ref isn't even a ref i drew, it's on peaceskies old base aha

Riles was originally a sona of mine, of sorts, but after a small falling out with a friend that i shipped him with (see: Ponyboy) I no longer used him as a sona. I've kept his design this whole time because he was the first sona that wasn't used solely as a vent sona. So, as I'm doing with all of my characters, he got a redesign and a new ref. While I don't really have a personality set up for him right now, I hopefully will soon. So have some nice little snippets about him~

-First and foremost, he is a female to male trans. He never had to change his name as Riley works for both male and females.
-Before he came out and transitioned, he was very shy and quiet, barely spoke a peep. That changed, almost overnight.
-He got all of his piercings before his transition, but they were usually black, instead of the gold he has them as now.
-Hes an exotic dancer. But he does more ribbon dancing, more so like you would see in the circus.
-His tongue is split, and he has other piercings that are, more nsfw.
-Used to have a fling with Pony, don't talk much anymore but Pony still comes to see his shows once in a while
-Makes puns out of his name, his most common one being "I'll Rile you up"
Image size
1380x785px 437.21 KB
© 2019 - 2025 Error-500
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