22 min read

Deviation Actions

Erozja's avatar


This features are dedicated to members from my group deviantARTSupporters! :heart:

:iconkokorox: :thumb199971930: :iconkokorox:


Here are some works from this awesome but still unseen deviants:

:star: :iconjaicca: :star:

:star: :iconmylittle3dworlds: :star:
Jesus light by MyLittle3dWorlds Arcangelo by MyLittle3dWorlds Patrol by MyLittle3dWorlds
His children by MyLittle3dWorlds Fang Details by MyLittle3dWorlds Fang Final by MyLittle3dWorlds

:star: :icongrandmathunderpants: :star:
:thumb308989840: Loki's New Army by GrandmaThunderpants MLP:FiM Micro Playset by GrandmaThunderpants
Princess Serenity + Tuxedo Kamen Mobile Set by GrandmaThunderpants Spiderman Necklaces by GrandmaThunderpants Teddy Bear Hospital Bracelet by GrandmaThunderpants

:star: :iconmonnie-the-ghost: :star:
.:Ginnys charm:. by monnie-the-ghost .:MY patronus:. by monnie-the-ghost .:HERMIONE:. by monnie-the-ghost
Miaku for Olivieree by monnie-the-ghost HP girls - bookmarks by monnie-the-ghost Magic moment by monnie-the-ghost

:star: :iconsafififi: :star:

:star: :icon4steex: :star:

:star: :iconalinacristina: :star:

:star: :iconestic: :star:

:star: :iconmichellescribbles: :star:
pokemon fire starters by michellescribbles kiki and jiji by michellescribbles princess mononoke by michellescribbles
dragon's dance by michellescribbles kawaii keychains by michellescribbles

:star: :iconsugarstylek: :star:
Wonderland by SugarStyleK Muffins by SugarStyleK Bent by SugarStyleK
See Yellow by SugarStyleK Between by SugarStyleK Flowers by SugarStyleK

:star: :icondavidschermann: :star:
You know I'm no good by DavidSchermann sleepy hollow by DavidSchermann first steps by DavidSchermann
into the wild by DavidSchermann Futuristic Vienna by DavidSchermann juggernaut by DavidSchermann

:star: :iconbihni: :star:
:thumb214412767::thumb244517444: Rapunzel Disney Tangled - Baby by Bihni
:thumb200526515: GLEE - Chord Overstreet - Sam by Bihni Vanille, Final Fantasy XIII by Bihni

:star: :icongingerbouf: :star:
Illuminated by gingerbouf My town with no people by gingerbouf Catch a Star by gingerbouf
Blue Trouble by gingerbouf dEcode by gingerbouf Endorenna by gingerbouf

:star: :iconjustinderosa: :star:
Radiant Reflection by JustinDeRosa This Way, My Love by JustinDeRosa Day Dreaming by JustinDeRosa
We're On Our Own by JustinDeRosa Just Another Day by JustinDeRosa Feel The Magic In The Air by JustinDeRosa

:star: :iconjustdance24: :star:

:star: :iconluccas93: :star:
Alphonse...please... by LuCCas93 Big Boss by LuCCas93 Zekrom by LuCCas93
The Dig 3 Paint Tool SAI by LuCCas93 Jiraya - Naruto by LuCCas93 My Pokemon by LuCCas93

:star: :iconbitterb: :star:
Rocking like a star by Bitterb Emerald by Bitterb Under the sea by Bitterb
Mei by Bitterb Cup of coffee by Bitterb Slimy hearts by Bitterb

:star: :iconakiratang: :star:
Chrome City by Akiratang Bathroom Render Vray by Akiratang Dime Dean Razorback Guitar by Akiratang
Sorceress Sculpt 2 by Akiratang Deformed Man render by Akiratang Kitchen Render by Akiratang

:star: :iconjamajurabaev: :star:
Miller bar by jamajurabaev Android girl by jamajurabaev Dreamscape by jamajurabaev
Watch these at cinemas 5 by jamajurabaev The attack by jamajurabaev Concepts 5 by jamajurabaev

:star: :iconthinking-silence: :star:


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Here are preview parts of news:


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Have a nice day!

~Erozja :heart:

© 2012 - 2025 Erozja
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Estic's avatar
Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the feature. :D