BEST OF: dA-Supporters group - 8

Hello everyone!
Here's the feature of my
But not that ordinary feature...
I decided to show you only THE BEST ONES works.
Which means: technically perfect, interesting or just original.
















Here are preview part of news:
PART 1 --->…
PART 2 --->…
PART 3 --->…
PART 4 --->…
PART 5 --->…
PART 6 --->…
PART 7 --->…

Have a nice day!

Hello everyone!

Here's the feature of my

But not that ordinary feature...

I decided to show you only THE BEST ONES works.
Which means: technically perfect, interesting or just original.














100. DeathDon't be afraid... I will protect you... forever...
" LIES! Shut up, SHUT UP! "
Calm down hun... I am here.. I am here...
" But you are dead. "
Come with me..
" How? How can I?! "
Take the knife, hun. Kill yourself. Then you are with me... again.
" I will hun... I will. "
His tears and blood covered him as he took his last breath.
A Determination to FadeHer brown eyes brim with tears.
Lies are her most common memories.
His whispers linger faintly in her ears,
dropping on the floor as fake apologies.
Her red heart blazes black.
She is determined to remain loveless.
Offensive are her only attacks.
Her middle name transforms to "Painless."
His memory from her will fade,
never to crush spirit again.
To become dead-like is a fair trade
than to live through that dreadful chagrin.
DecayWinter is turning to its end but we can't feel the warmth in this rainy day.
A little crowd of people whose clothes are as dark as their moods stand on out of a small church waiting for a funeral to come.
Clouds hide the sky above us and some cold drops of rain leave their soft prison to melt the tears that run upon our faces.
Men, women, children... the generations share a common sense of void, they search for some sympathy in the silent community.
A question snakes in our minds: what is the sense of life if it is destined to end in a cold grave?
Someone can't stand the pain anymore. He looks at the coffin to pay the final goodbye to t
The Spectrum of a DreamThe sea, the waves, the sand..
Two children are fumbling with their buckets and shovels to build a fabulous castle.
But this is not a childish game. This is the desperate escape from a world made of violence and cruelty.
The infants' innocence does not belong to that world.
They need a shelter, a place where they can hide when the clouds cry bloody tears.
It's sad that children make of their dreams their surreal shelters.
It's sad that despite their age they are aware of the planet's transformation.
Once Earth used to give life, now death is Its food.
Day after day It drains the veins of the soldiers who fell fighting others' battl
BlueSitting on a rock, I watch the waves crashing on the coast.
I take a deep breath and I abandon myself the peace of this place.
I can feel it running through my veins, fighting my fears, annihilating my anxiety, deleting the suffer of the past.
I become as light as the air that is caressing my skin, as transparent as the water that whispers under my feet, as beautiful as the sun that is shining in the sky.
You are approaching.
You are a stranger to me, but I am not afraid.
I feel that my smile will make you happy.
I watch you coming closer and closer.
Your long hair animated by the wind obscures your face.
I want to see your eyes, a
The Sacrifice of a Little LeafA yellow leaf abandons the tree that has been its home for the whole summer.
It cries its goodbye to the world in tears while the wind gently guides it to its grave.
The victims of the frost's painful screams fill the cold autumnal air while a soft breeze sings a sad lullaby.
In a few days the earth is covered by a colorful lifeless mantle that children trample unaware of the suffer of the poor leaves.
A few months later those dead leaves are replaced by wonderful flowers that put in the air the pleasant flavor of hope.
The mothers inhale it while their sons are playing in the park.
Someone picks the flowers and brings them home to giv

Here are preview part of news:
PART 1 --->…
PART 2 --->…
PART 3 --->…
PART 4 --->…
PART 5 --->…
PART 6 --->…
PART 7 --->…

Have a nice day!