BEST OF: dA-Supporters group - 6

19 min read

Deviation Actions

Erozja's avatar
BEST OF: dA-Supporters group - 6


Hello everyone! :wave:

Here's the feature of my :icondeviantartsupporters: group. :la:
But not that ordinary feature... ;)

I decided to show you only THE BEST ONES works.
Which means: technically perfect, interesting or just original.

:iconpurpleflowerplz: :thumb199971930: :iconpurpleflowerplz:



:iconlovesplz: TRADITIONAL ART :iconlovesplz:
J. Lopez drawing by titol87
Koryaksky pass by tamisan-mio The little... yellow by elisamoriconi Rapunzel family reunion by B-AGT
+ The Male Mortal Toys + by zenab-tareef Searching by Kitsune-Seven Stegosaurus Pod by Elentarri
Still life with white flower 2 by MiracleAyano Garden in the Valley by Tolkyes Suigintou black maiden by Capolecos
Hana Star Neko-commission by Suki-Manga KIMONO: Mei by izka197:thumb215280444: Everlasting by Wlotus-2307
:thumb216066420: Puutarhan vartija by nei-no Alicia Evan - FFX Lulu by dA--bogeyman Sereia by AndieCris
Lady of Shalott by DawnstarW:thumb251165834::thumb251019286:
Happy Birthday Nhia by Mei-yu Cloud Strife FF AC by B-AGT Warmth by Chashirskiy
Alien by Shekhina:thumb244885639::thumb245074436:
Intiaanitytta by nei-no -Yukiko and Yukio - by Kyoumei AT: Amaril by JupiterBlossem Lizard on Wall by Elentarri
Sensibility by Totge:thumb245715283::thumb245654028::thumb245696149:
Dreams  to  dream by fredvegerano:thumb244619600: Kaien Cross Vampire Hunter by Suki-Manga

:iconlovesplz: DIGITAL ART :iconlovesplz:
I stopped to daydream and 20 years passed me by by ericinprogress:thumb245380340:
- Freya - LunaCee - by ooneithoo umi no ballad by MaurenEncepz Christiania by JuneJenssen:thumb245640468:
:thumb245984632: Moon and Stars Cupcake by rinipanini LOS by LiquidFaeStudios Red Attack by sant2
Yukionna Revisited by gingerbouf Cloud by Dark-Angel-Du Couple by ChouK-RC Good Luck Bear by ColeJA
Ace of Ace by Jebeansprout Nature's Kawaii, Baby sloth by Psithyrus
Masa-Request by monobani:thumb200282022: still waiting for you .. by NOUF7 drow by tavisharts

:iconlovesplz: PHOTOMANIPULATIONS :iconlovesplz:
Swamp House by MariLucia
Full Moon by MariLucia

:iconlovesplz: PHOTOGRAPHY :iconlovesplz:
Thank you by malaladanila False Hellebore Flower by Caloxort Fog Ghosts II by sKodOne
way back home by DavidSchermann:thumb243752138: Mischievous by Lupinicious
:thumb251152819: Mimicry by LucieJirankova RO4 by malaladanila
Cinnabun by Caloxort After the  rain by DoloresReventon:thumb249168629:
Standing Alone by entropicuniverse Love is Universal by entropicuniverse Lioness's Gaze by entropicuniverse:thumb244364613:
White cosmos by malaladanila sweet summer drink by Pahasusi lonely in wilderness by KaiaKristiina Indian Walking Stick Head Shot by Caloxort
Rust-stamened Heather by Caloxort pole-dance3 by inSOLense:thumb251052256: madineh 4 by najafi

:iconlovesplz: ARTISAN CRAFTS :iconlovesplz:
Tiny Unicorn and Pegasuses by vavaleff
pizza by BadgersBakery We all scream for ice cream by KrwawyTampon Nerdy Hello Kitty Necklace by GrandmaThunderpants
:thumb243964428::thumb137324251: so many stars... by Alicia08 Houses of tiny Witches by vavaleff

:iconlovesplz: LITERATURE :iconlovesplz:
Put your hands up by BigGirlsDoNotCry

:iconlovesplz: OTHER :iconlovesplz:
I Believe In Dragons Stamp by dA--bogeyman Sailor Moon - fan animation by starca Gargamel Smurfs Stamp by dA--bogeyman


:below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below:

Here are preview part of news:
PART 1 --->…
PART 2 --->…
PART 3 --->…
PART 4 --->…
PART 5 --->…

:above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above:

Have a nice day!


© 2011 - 2025 Erozja
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MariLucia's avatar
Thanks so much for including me here :hug: