BEST OF: dA-Supporters group - 14

16 min read

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Erozja's avatar
BEST OF: dA-Supporters group - 14


Hello everyone! :wave:

Here's the feature of my deviantARTSupporters group. :la:
But not that ordinary feature... ;)

I decided to show you only THE BEST ONES works.
Which means: technically perfect, interesting or just original.

:iconpinkflowerplz: :thumb199971930: :iconpinkflowerplz:



:iconlovesplz: TRADITIONAL ART :iconlovesplz:
+I will love you Monday+ by KaworuN Chris is reading by joannapasek:thumb263029390:
Taylor Swift by kerrrriix3 Keepers of the Sage by Earleywine:thumb262364457:
Studious cat by dasidaria-art The Teacher by Earleywine
Hamtaro's  hearts  box by fredvegerano The Silver Queen by Chashirskiy

Mature Content

Under the Drunken Cat by Ytril
The Girl in the Universe by SilverChaim Teacup by Busbi

:iconlovesplz: DIGITAL ART :iconlovesplz:
The flight by Bea-Gonzalez:thumb263475703::thumb262818972:
And it starts  all over again by htx Commission: Shikamaru+Himawari by starca:thumb261558569:
smile by ryky Secret Cave by Julia-Aurora Space Tongue by JupiterBlossem
:thumb252699031: Kookii by JupiterBlossem Batman Night Owner by LeandroSFx
Cover - Fairy tales book by elisamoriconi:thumb263224709:

:iconlovesplz: PHOTOMANIPULATIONS :iconlovesplz:
Late Autumn by TitusBoy25:thumb261844160: Lionfish by babsartcreations
Blue Healing. by hybridgothica Miracle by ForestGirl Lily by babsartcreations
The Witch and the Moon by ClairObscurArt The Witchery by ChristabelleLAmort Pensive by Emerald-Depths

:iconlovesplz: PHOTOGRAPHY :iconlovesplz:
Mustang convertible by ColeJA Tawny Frogmouth by daniellepowell82 my point of view by tolgagonulluleroglu
:thumb263334175: After the rain... by kilurazi:thumb263492003:
Red Ivy 3 by arius86 We made memories by dolldelight Sorrow by LuciaConstantin
Swinging by angelhalo777 w h i t e by xgrungery Mist II by RobinHedberg Uppsala Cathedral by RobinHedberg

:iconlovesplz: ARTISAN CRAFTS :iconlovesplz:
Eco-friendly, Grinning Monster by mypetmoon Apple Earrings by KawaiiCulture The Old Perfumery Shop 2 by allim-lip
Adria by BlackWings-jewelry Dream Keeper by LuthienThye Star Cuddle Night Fury by CarmendeeDragons
Eco-friendly, Shaggy Goat SOLD by mypetmoon Lyrical by LuthienThye:thumb263193204: Eco-friendly, Happy Pig by mypetmoon

:iconlovesplz: LITERATURE :iconlovesplz:
The Portrait of HerHe's standing next to the window watching the sky turning pale.
Another long night has gone without a sign from her.
He feels very upset but there is nothing he can do now that the sun rays are gently waking the inhabitants of the village.
He calls his valet to have his breakfast taken in his room because he doesn't want to stay in the living room all alone.
After a while he decides to compose something for her.

He sits at the piano and lets his fingers run on the keys drawing her portrait.
At first the notes are as unpredictable as her wavy hair, then they become as brilliant as her eyes and a moment later they are as exquisite as her

:iconlovesplz: OTHER :iconlovesplz:
Nichijou - fan animation by starca


:below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below:

Here are preview part of news:
PART 1 --->…
PART 2 --->…
PART 3 --->…
PART 4 --->…
PART 5 --->…
PART 6 --->…
PART 7 --->…
PART 8 --->…
PART 9 --->…
PART 10 --->…
PART 11 --->…
PART 12 --->…
PART 13 --->…

:above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above:

Have a nice day!


© 2011 - 2025 Erozja
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Emerald-Depths's avatar
This is very late, but I still wanted to pop by to say thank you. :hug: