Current Residence: St. Louis
Favourite genre of music: Blues
Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu)
E-mail address:
Comics I illustrate: Tales of Gnosis College, Danger Dolls, SexyFantasy Comics. Tails of the Stripped
Comics I write and illustrate: Crystal Knights (with my daughter), They Want Our Women, imMATURE Comics (+ editing), The Perils of Penelope Pornstarr
Hi Erosarts! I wanted to show you a drawing I thought you might like. It is very similar thematically to your “They want our women” series.
I love this picture, what do you think?
I have that picture in my favorites collection. I think I found it a couple of years ago. Every successful movie monster from the early days of Hollywood had to menace a damsel! :)
Something to note is that the damsels are simply sleeping in the cabinets, they don’t have pods to keep them restrained and asleep like in your art.
Which begs the question: What do the monsters do if one or more of the girls wakes up?
The Green Bastard technology relies on women being maintained in a state of perpetual orgasm; both their "warp drive" and their "neural-net" computers are dependent on it, so OBVIOUSLY they can't be allowed to wander off. These technologies are "explained" in the comic.
Thank you for the +fave!