Leif/Thorn - A hope-we-don't-get-caught kissErinPtah on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/erinptah/art/Leif-Thorn-A-hope-we-don-t-get-caught-kiss-710189384ErinPtah

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Leif/Thorn - A hope-we-don't-get-caught kiss



For the sweet/affectionate moments meme -- Leif and Thorn, stolen "I think we're alone now" kisses.

The chip in Leif's neck, which zaps him if he tries to give away certain "services" for free, is canon. The deadzone is not. Otherwise they would've done this in-strip already.

Tumblr: Reblog from here, don't repost.

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Leif and Katya - cooking together by ErinPtah  Leif/Thorn - This was supposed to be hot by ErinPtah  Forehead kiss by ErinPtah  Vampire Castle by ErinPtah

Behind these bushes, there's a short patch where it's a magical dead zone. Crystals don't function at all back here...including my microchip.
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1800x5284px 3.79 MB
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