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ErinPtah's avatar

Dolls - Alucard (and Integra)



First in a set: collected Hellsing pixel dolls, featuring an ensemble of Alucards, including Bondagecard, Riocard, and Puppycard. Plus an Integra, to be right-side-up while he's upside-down.

Tumblr: Reblog from here, don't repost!

Palette Meme - Alucard and friend, A by ErinPtah A Dream Among The Sharks by ErinPtah AxI - Got A Light? by ErinPtah Every Leaf in Autumn by ErinPtah Gold and White by ErinPtah 
Image size
500x200px 15.66 KB
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Ask-The-Admiral's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

hi guys,i'm sheila. and i will to present a new and fresh critique. and in ths time,with a new pic of our favourite vampire,alucard and his three forms. (bondagecard,riocard and baskerville.),that pic was made by <img class="avatar" src="…" alt=":iconerinptah:" title="ErinPtah" />.
so,the vision of that pic,are very good and the originality,technique and inmpact of that pic,are almost 5 starts but very good. right?
in middle of that pic,we see integra,taking his hand while alucard is up,seeing her.
after,we sees bondagecard in two versions,that form remaid me the moment when he was fighting against incognito (only in the anime). and finally,we sees riocard in his two versions,but only that form,appears only in the OVA III of hellsing ultimate. well guys,hope you like that new and fresh critique that i made.
i will wait comments of yourself.....and see you for now.