...and on balance, I like it! Some kinks to work out, but the basic design is solid.
It probably helps that the new format was already rolled out for my 2-month-old side account. So I had a chance to play around and get used to it there...but could still fall back on the comfort of the old familiar interface in my decades-old main account.
Good things:
- I easily found the option to set "NoAI" as my default preset. Users on the relevant news post are complaining about how it's not the boilerplate-default setting, but changing the your-account-default is very quick.
- I can include my social links in the preset description too, instead of copy-and-pasting them every time? Nice!
- Rearranging the layout so the uploaded art is next to the options panel, and always visible no matter what bit of metadata you're editing, is a good change.
Bad things:
- All the options to add emoji, deviation thumbnails, etc. were broken for me in the default editor. I could select things, but they