Portal to the Depths of SpaceErikShoemaker on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/erikshoemaker/art/Portal-to-the-Depths-of-Space-553424826ErikShoemaker

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ErikShoemaker's avatar

Portal to the Depths of Space



This is another collaboration with Alastair Temple aka Smiling-Demon for theluminarium's Depth: theluminarium.net/v3/exhibits.…
He came up with a Mandelbulb render and asked me to create a portal for it that allows jumps through space. Postwork was done by us both in two steps. You can find his version here:
Portal To The Depths of Space by Smiling-Demon

Credits to untodarkness-stock for the lightning.

Thanks for stopping by!
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1680x956px 1.43 MB
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p3rsh1ng's avatar

What'd you actually consider the actual "depths" of space? There really are few reasons to choose some void between galaxies as your destination, are they?