Lone WarriorErikShoemaker on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/erikshoemaker/art/Lone-Warrior-214844394ErikShoemaker

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ErikShoemaker's avatar

Lone Warrior



For Depthcore: Obsolete

In a world dominated by machines it's the fate of humanity to live in oppressiveness of their dictators or to take cover far from civilization, where the chance is given that they'll never be found.

This may look like a bunch of trash to you, but it's just the basic equipment of every lone warrior who tries to resist the terror of the machines.


This image is partly steampunk partly Fallout inspired, but most of all it's kind of the male equivalent to my piece "Mortal Inquisition", which can be found here:

I finished this in February and it's one of my favorite works, so I'm glad I can finally upload it here. :)

Thanks to:
~M47R1X | ~Sinned-angel-stock | ~Manged | [link] | [link] | [link] | [link] | [link] | [link]
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1280x768px 913.47 KB
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cirnoicicles's avatar

I'm really inspired by how you made the trumpet as weapon to fight back the oppressors.