Golden SpiralErikShoemaker on DeviantArt

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Golden Spiral


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Some classic space apocalypse again. :hooray:

My idea behind this work is that the interplay of gravity and rotation forces the molten metals from the core and the outer shells of the planet out of the rupture so they form spirals around it.
Going outward the metal fluids gradually cool and thus slowly turn into a typical asteroid belt. I spent a lot of time on the appearance of the super hot, semi-fluid rocks and on getting the transition right.
This is how I imagine the spirals could look like, which is probably wrong in terms of physics. But lets pretend for the sake of art it's not. :XD: Spiral solutions of Kepler's laws exist, and so do spiral shaped galaxies. So why not?

Thanks to Dagohbert for his asteroid resources!

© Erik Schumacher
This is no stock image, so don't use, copy or manipulate the original artwork without my written permission. 
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1680x1180px 1.8 MB
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dpcdpc11's avatar

 Excellent work, well done!