Maelyn's Secret - Page 27ErikaEmber on DeviantArt

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Maelyn's Secret - Page 27



Prologue - Page 26 - Page 27 - Page 28

I said it might take two weeks.
I love how sceptical my baby looks! She has a pretty good reason to be. Giggle 

Marinette: She's scared of the Cat Noir doll?
Adrien: (whispering) Did you possess the doll or something, Plagg?
Plagg: (whispering) If I could, you would have known.
Marinette: Maelyn, why are you scared of Cat Noir?
Maelyn: Scawy guy possess bwother.
Adrien: An akuma?
Marinette: Can she really remember that?
Adrien: If it's scary enough for her, she can.
Marinette: (imitating Cat Noir) I'm sorry for scaring you, princess. I didn't mean to.
Adrien: ...Mae, if you can feel safe with me, you can feel safe with him. He and I are the same, we just look differently.
Marinette: (imitating Cat Noir) Please, forgive me, princess.
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ElementDragon31's avatar
Wait..... Mae has a brother????